Chapter 14

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Leilani felt like a complete fool after letting the office gossip get to her. Sally was completely wrong. However, Leilani wasn't one for drama and decided to let everything go.

In other news, Fourth of July was tomorrow. The office would be closed. Leilani was going to have the entire day off but she didn't have any plans. She was hoping to be whisked away by Carter. Hopefully, to his bedroom.

As she finished up the last of her work, she decided to go check on Carter before heading out.

"Hey, it's almost time to go. Do you need anything else from me?" Leilani asked sweetly as she entered his office.

Carter looked stress. He had removed his tie, rolled up his sleeves, and loosened the top 2 buttons of his shirt.

"Everything all right?" Leilani questioned him, worried at the sight of his careless appearance. Carter huffed and mouthed 'no'. Leilani positioned herself between the windows and Carter. She began massaging his shoulders.

"Every year I throw a Fourth of July barbecue. My kids come down from wherever they've moved to now, friends from college make the commute here, and a few family members." Carter began letting out. Leilanis hands felt amazing on his shoulders. He needed this.

"This is the first year hosting it without... my wife." Carter confessed. Leilanis heart sank.

"I'll help." Leilani told him without a thought or second guessing to it. Carter lent forward, automatically Leilanis hands dropped from his shoulders.

"That is entirely too much. It's tomorrow. I haven't gone food shopping or even," Leilani cut him off.

"All you really need is meat, boos, and bread." She told him, simply. "You really want to help?" Carter didn't want Leilani to take on such a big role in such a short amount of time.

"Yes. I'll do anything for you." Leilani found herself in Carters lap being attached with kisses. "What did I do to deserve such an amazing girl like you?" Carter wondered in between kisses.

"Come on!" Leilani exclaimed, beginning to rush Carter, who simply gave her a look of pity. "I can't join you in the process. I have a few conference calls this evening with some overseas investors." Carter let her down easy.

Leilanis jaw dropped. "How am I supposed to do all of this? Alone?" She sighed heavily.

Carter dug around in his desk and handed her a company card.

With her name on it. "I'll tell the accountants that you ran company errands." He slid the shiny, black card over to Leilani.

"Wow," Leilani thought out loud. She doesn't even own her own credit card. This was new to her.

After being given a house key as well, Leilani took off.

Leilani knew what to do. She knew about food prep, cooking, and displaying. Having a black background consisted of a lot of holiday cooking. As well as big barbecues in the summers with her family.

The company car took her to the grocery store first to fulfill her list she made on the way there:

Hot dogs
Hot dog buns
Burger buns
BBQ sauce
American Cheese
Swiss cheese
Pasta noodles

She threw in a few other things that she decided to purchase outside of the list. The driver put everything away for her and even took on the role of being the alcohol buyer.

Leilani met Carter back at his house around 8pm. She found him snoring on the couch with a beer leaving a circular stain on the stack of papers he must've been going through.

She didn't wake him, she just went to work prepping everything for tomorrow. She had already taken care of the deviled eggs, salad, and macaroni salad. She made sure to put the meat in the fridge so it would be thawed out for tomorrow.

There was a loud series of chimes throughout the house. Leilani soon figured out it was the doorbell. She dried her hands with the kitchen cloth and jogged to the front door.

Leilani was met by two young, fresh faced Caucasian's.

"You must be Leilani." The girl said. "It's nice to meet you. Dad said there was an intern around my age. I've been dying to meet you. Everyone at Brown is so dull!" She greeted her.

Leilani still didn't get her name.

"I'm Erin. This is Bradford." Erin pointed to the boy who looked similar to her, he was too busy sizing up Leilani to properly greet her.

"Hey! It's Brad. I only go by Brad..." The boy trailed off. Leilani noticed how the two were dressed. Very business casual. Nice sweaters, both wore slacks. Brad wore loafers while Erin wore flats.

"Oh, come in. You must be exhausted from all the traveling." Leilani let them in. "Do you need anything? I'm assisting Car- I mean, Mr. Vanderbilt with his barbecue tomorrow. I'm just doing some food prep." She told Erin and Brad.

"Can I get a burger? I'm dying for some beef. The food at school sucks." Brad let out. His eyes locking onto Leilanis. He was seriously hungry.

She looked over at Erin for a reply. "Me too." She added. Leilani smiled. "Okay, give me about twenty minutes. Would you like fries too?" She asked them. "Please!" They excitedly yelled in unison.

The kids departed up to their respective bedrooms.

Exactly twenty minutes later, they both found Leilani. She had already finished. She set their plates up just in the knick of time.

As they ate and drank the grape kool-aide Leilani had made, she got to know Carters children a little better. Brad was the oldest. Older than Leilani too. He was 23. Erin was only 18 but she was taller than Brad by two inches. Leilani made sure to equally put out information about herself as they chatted.

It was an hour before midnight by the time Leilani realized she had to head home. The three of them had gotten so caught up in chuckles and crazy good conversation that she neglected the time.

Erin walked Leilani outside to the cab she called. "So, I'll see you tomorrow, right? At the barbecue?" Erin was eager to know. She liked Leilani.

"Oh, no. I was just prepping." Leilani let her down easy. Erin frowned. "Well, okay. At least let me take care of the cab." Before, Leilani could protest, she watched Erin slip the cab a twenty.

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you." Leilani waved goodbye as the cabbie pulled off.

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