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I can't get her text out of my head.

I've been staring at the board in chemistry for mote than fifteen minutes trying to concentrate on the equations and questions that have been scrawled out by the teacher, but my brain is failing to cooperate. I know that I should be attempting to answer them, knowing that my disorientation is not going unnoticed by my teacher and I will no doubt be called on to answer it in front of the class, but all I can think about is Mackenzie.

'Let me take you on a proper date.' - Mackenzie

The simple sentence is burned onto the inside of my eyelids, so even when I close my eyes I see her text, I break into a goofy smile that I hate myself for wearing. I just can't help the way this girl makes me feel, and the strange looks that I'm getting off April as she sits beside me let's me know that I'm being really obvious about it and I'll have to tell her what's going on. I sigh out of my nose and try and complete the equation I'm currently working on, occasionally side eyeing my best friend's work when I get stuck.

It's a shame Mackenzie isn't any good at these kind of equations, we could've worked through them at my house later...

"Alex, what are you thinking about?" I hear April tease in my ear as she catches me in another one of my daydreams, and I finally snap out of the daze I was in, my cheeks flaming at her tone of voice. "You've spent more time this lesson in your head than in the actual lesson."

I laugh slightly as I free my phone from my back pocket, sliding it over the table discreetly so that our chemistry teacher Mr. Hudson doesn't see. April turns on my screen and her eyes nearly bug from her sockets, widening my smile as she snaps her head to me with a killer smile on my face. "Well, now the lack of concentration makes sense."

I take my phone back and slide it back into my jeans, my eyes brightening at the fact I can talk about this to April. "I'm so excited, but I'm also very very nervous. Where is she going to take me? Is she going to go out of town because there isn't a lot to do here? Gosh, what do I even wear..."

"Girls!" Our heads snap up to see Mr. Hudson glaring disapprovingly in our direction. "I know that neither of you have finished the equations on the board, so there's no time for chat."

"Sorry sir." April says smoothly, tucking her hair behind her ear as she flashes her teachers pet smile. "Alex was struggling on the third equation and I offered to help."

The lie rolls smoothly off her tongue but I know that our teacher doesn't believe it for a second. I cringe slightly at the fact she tells the whole class I'm only on question three out of the total twelve questions, but I have been really out of it today. It's common knowledge that chemistry is one of my strongest subjects, so I try and avoid some of the curious stares sent my way by my classmates, all of them wondering how I could possibly be stuck on question three.

"Must I remind you that anything you don't finish today, you will be completing at home for next lesson." He grumbles as he returns to the front of the classroom. I feel like just leaving it here and completing the remaining nine questions at home, because then I can help Mackenzie with the work she was complaining about to me yesterday.

I'm telling you, that girl is a nerd when it comes to social elective subjects liks psychology and sociology, but she somewhat struggles with maths based subjects like the sciences and maths itself. Those equation based subjects are my strong suit, so we both have somewhat come to an agreement to help each other out where we can. We haven't really had any opportunity to use these study sessions with our conflicting schedules, but I know that we're both free tonight after practice so I'll ask her to help me when she comes over.

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