Just A Normal Week. Or Is It.

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I do not own any of these characters nor the Harry Potter universe. They all belong to JK Rowling.

Harry laid in his bed that night trying to sleep, but alas he couldn't. He kept seeing Draco's eyes roving over his body and no matter how hard he tried to stop, and he tried very hard, all he could think of was Draco standing there in his rumpled sleep clothes telling him to stay in that growling voice. Hell Harry was getting a hard-on just thinking about it. At least it distracted him from his hand.

He shook himself, got up, and headed into the washroom. He splashed his face, and hand, with some water and braced himself on the sink. He couldn't let himself believe that this is something that was real. It's easier if he pretends it doesn't mean anything even though in his opinion it definitely meant something. He shook his head, took a deep breath, and went back to bed to dream of cold grey eyes and growling voices.

For the next week Harry went to his classes, he sat next to Draco during potions, and both of them pretended like nothing had happened. Which, Harry might like to add, was getting harder and harder by the day.

Harry kept waiting for some sort of sign that what had happened in the potions lab that night wasn't some sort of fluke or figment of his imagination. Maybe he was just so desperate for something to happen between them that his brain created this image of something. Was that possible? Harry didn't know. What he did know was that it was pissing him off how perfect Draco bloody Malfoy was acting like nothing at all had ever happened between them. He was getting fed up with it. So the next time Draco decided to tease him, which happened to be the next Hogsmeade trip, Harry retaliated.

He had just been sitting there in The Three Broomsticks with Ron and Hermione, nursing a butterbeer, when the familiar drawl of the Malfoy heir came from behind him.

"Hey Potter didn't expect to see you here. Would have thought you'd be off with Dumbly raving about your lunatic theories"  he smirked "or did he ask you to spread your little rumours about The Dark Lord" 

Harry growled under his breath and shot out a snappy "Or maybe I'm just trying to, you know, save the entire wizarding world from inevitable doom at the hands of Voldemort" Harry rolled his eyes and stood up to meet Dracos glare. He was sick of holding in his feelings and it was making him pissed. Maybe a good fight would get rid of them. "But you'd know all about Voldemort's little plans wouldn't you Malfoy" He cocked his head and sneered "Or is daddy too distrusting to share" 

Harry was feeling pretty proud of himself for that while looking at Dracos shocked face...until he was suddenly being slammed against the wall by the older blonde, That shook his confidence pretty quickly.

"You know nothing of  my father or his associations Potter" Draco spat in a low livid voice. Harry was too shocked to respond and, hyper aware of the boys hand around his throat and the alarms going off in his head that he was getting angry enough he might get hurt, didn't say anything. Draco shoved him once more and walked out the door, his gang of cronies following behind him.

Harry vaguely heard Ron say something along the lines of "I'm gonna kill him" and Hermione asking if he was alright. He just nodded, took a long sip of his butterbeer, and started talking about how Umbridge better teach them something soon or their all going to fail their OWL's. That's when Hermione got a nervous look on her face.

"Well, um, about that Harry."  She said slowly. "I may have had an idea about how to avoid that."

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