The Beginning Of Something

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I do not own any of these characters nor the Harry Potter universe. They all belong to JK Rowling. *TW self harm*

After Hermione's ridiculous request that Harry had stupidly agreed to, he spent most of his free time making lesson plans which to he found actually helped distract him quite nicely. Of course he still cut every now and then but he had slowed down considerably.

The first meeting came and went with the suggestion of the name, Dumbledore's Army, and methods of contact, charmed galleons that would get hot when a message was sent through them, and the place, the room of requirement. Harry was distracted by all the planning and by Umbridge's infernal behaviour which consequently, caused him to miss his check in day on the potion which Draco berated him about before class, yelling at him to make sure he got there next time or he'd regret it, Harry heard him mutter to Pansy Parkinson that he "wasn't going to lose a grade to an uppity git like Potter." Harry just sighed and put it in his mental to do list.

He'd thought he'd been getting a bit better, but as these thing tend to happen, the pressure kept mounting and eventually Harry had to do something about it so he found himself in a bathroom between classes, distractedly muttering the same cutting curse he'd been using for weeks which backfired on him because he cut a little too deep for his liking. He'd been in the middle of watching the blood flow when he heard footsteps and who should walk in but Draco bloody Malfoy, but that wasn't even the surprising part. That was the look of alarm on Draco's face when he took in the scene.

Draco rushed forward and brandished his wand, causing Harry to flinch, but he only cast a healing charm.
"What the fuck Potter?!"

Harry only averted his gaze and starts gathering his things with a mumbled "thanks I guess"

Draco grabs his arm. "No, tell me what the fuck just happened, I come in here and find you calmly staring at a bleeding wound so I think I deserve an explanation"

Harry and Draco weren't exactly close, sure they're conversations had gotten less murderous in private throughout the length of the project, but nothing that would explain the level of concern and slight fear shining through Draco's usually well placed mask and he just stares in shock "what do you care Malfoy?"

"Maybe because I don't want my potions partner dying on me? Who did that"

"No one did it. I could have stopped it anytime I wanted Draco I'm not incompetent"

"Well it sure looked like it? If no one did it then-" a look of understanding dawns on his face and he sneers weakly "figures the chosen one would harm himself. What, looking for attention on famous potter? And it's Malfoy to you"

Despite Draco's obvious intent the words came out softer then he meant them to, still laced with concern and his hand still tight around Harry's arm. Harry reluctantly pulled back. "I'm find Malfoy. Leave me alone."

Surprisingly Malfoy heads his advice and sends a heavy look back at him before leaving. One that Harry would dream about for days.

After that Draco's taunts became less and less, and not as harsh, their conversations growing outside of potions class to more suitable topics and Harry was sure he'd caught Draco staring at least 3 times. He was flabbergasted. He just knew that something was up, but he couldn't put a finger on it. The only logical explanation was that Draco liked him, but that couldn't be possible.
...could it?

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