The Project

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I do not own any of these characters nor the Harry Potter universe. They all belong to JK Rowling. *TW SELF HARM*

After dinner that night Harry had gone and collapsed into bed. He was tired and still a bit dizzy after his last session with the knife, yet he found he could not sleep soundly. He woke up about 100 times that night from dreams.

Bad dreams, where Draco teased and ridiculed him, he preferred these ones as he knew they were the most probable; Wet dreams, where Draco seduced him and they spent all day in bed in bliss, these ones he begrudgingly welcomed even though he'd wake up from them with a hard-on and an uncomfortable feeling in the back of his mouth; But the ones he despised the most were the good dreams.

In these dreams his mind let go and showed him the impossibility of  dating Draco Malfoy. The wonder, the joy, the knowing looks, the day's spent outside under a tree together. Those hurt the worst. Because he knew that could never happen and he hated to even let himself think about it because it brought on a type of sadness that the numbness couldn't conceal. When those dreams happened he got up and he cut, or if he couldn't even do that, he laid and cried silent tears.

All that just made the next potions lesson all that much worse.

It had been a Friday when he was assigned to work with Draco and so he'd had all weekend to feel sorry for himself and dwell moodily over the boy who had captured his heart as well as his dreams apparently. He'd had a new one appear over the weekend that consisted of them working together in the potions room and Draco touching him inappropriately under the desk as Harry struggled to keep a straight face.

He dragged through the day on Monday severely hoping he'd come down with some sickness or something would happen with Voldemort so that he'd have to miss potions, alas not so much as a twinge of his scar had happened that day so he let Hermione drag him to potions.

As he stepped into the classroom he was pretty sure his heart had stopped for a solid minute because in all of Merlin somehow Draco had gotten even more handsome. He already felt a tad warm as soon as he saw the glorious boy, but when Snape announced that they would be sitting with their partners for the majority of the project Harry's temperature sky rocketed.

He gathered his stuff and sent and sat himself down next to his sworn enemy and now crush feeling the blush creeping up his neck as he remembered his dream from the other night. Draco just scowled at him. Harry put his hands up in a "hey I didn't choose this" manner and then turned begrudgingly away from the beautiful boy next to him to look at the blackboard where Snape was explaining the project.

They were all going to make an Everlasting Elixir and each would take about a fortnight to make. They would have to schedule checking the potions between class time and when to put in ingredients etc. At the end of the lesson Draco slid a piece of paper towards him with times and names and when to add ingredients written on it in his neat scrawl.

"This is our schedule. I would urge you to stick to it Potter I would prefer not to get a failing grade"  he sneered. Harry just nodded and turn to place the paper in his bag. He wasn't sure he trusted himself to speak at the moment.

Draco was packed and ready to leave before Harry so he surreptitiously watched him glide out of the room sighing a bit as he remembered the dreams he'd had about them. He forced himself to choke down his blush and got up to go to his dorm for a quick break before dinner.

God knows he'd have to walk around the castle 15 times to calm down his excitable nerves.

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