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I do not own any of these characters nor the Harry Potter universe. They all belong to JK Rowling. *TW SELF HARM*

Harry woke up the next morning feeling a bit more refreshed then normal, the bed here was much softer then the Dursley's, but the numbness was still there. It pressed on his chest like something passively sitting there. He ignored it.

He went through his usual routine; get up, shower, get dressed, get breakfast even though he was never hungry anymore, and then go to class.

During Transfiguration, their first class of the day, Hermione sat next to him and handed him a protein bar as she had every day that week. She had obviously noticed him picking at his food at every meal (he wasn't hungry plus why would he eat when he could look at Draco Malfoy from across the room!) and had made up her mind to do something about it even though Harry had shut her down when she tried to mention it. He just took the protein bar and took a bite more out of respect then out of hunger.

Classes that day went pretty much as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.
Defense was as boring as usual. Umbitch, as most of the school had taken to calling her, had insisted that there be no practical lessons in her class. All they did was answer questions from the black board and read the books she had assigned. It was awful.

His next hated class was obvious. Potions. He hated it for two very good reasons. The first one was very obvious, Professor Snape was kind of a dick. But the second was less obvious,at least he hoped it was. His second reason for hating Potions was that every single time he walked in that goddamn room his heart stopped. Because every single time, there was Draco, Harry had decided that since the crush wasn't going away he might as well call him by his first name, sitting right there already pulling out his notes and supplies. He was infuriatingly handsome and Harry hated it. How the hell was he supposed to get any good work done when that infuriating blonde masterpiece was sitting across the room from him! And two tables down too so of course Harry had a unobstructed view of his perfect arse which he frequently got distracted by no matter how hard he tried. And just his luck. He had potions next.

As he walked down to the dungeons with Ron and Hermione he braced himself for the inevitable mini heart attack he would have when he walked into the room. He took a deep breath and walked through the door, only to find that his infuriating infatuation was not there. Harry immediately felt uneasy, Draco never missed a Potions class. As he sat down with Ron at their usual table he glanced over and asked

"Where do you reckon Dr-Malfoy is?"

He stuttered over Draco's name and severely hoped Ron hadn't noticed. Fortunately Ron was busy covertly staring at Hermione so he just muttered a "s'don't ask me" as Harry rolled his eyes.

The class went on without much happening although Harry still spent most of the time wondering where the heck Draco was. It bothered him that he didn't know. Damn it, he hated how much this boy could get to him. However. Harry was so busy kicking himself for caring so much about Draco that he didn't realize until too late that Snape was telling them to set into partners for a project they would be starting next lesson. He glanced over at Ron hopefully but he just smiled back meekly and pointed at Hermione who shrugged.

And then before he knew it. Everyone else was partnered up. And he was alone. At first he was relived but a bit annoyed he'd have to work alone as the project was sure to be hard, That is until Snape narrowed in on him
And said in his greasy voice

"Ah Mr Potter. No luck finding a partner? Well then your in luck that one of my students is away today."

Oh no, Harry thought. He knew who it was before Snape even said it.

"You can work with Mr Malfoy. I will inform him of course" he said with a smile that could rival that of a predatory fox.

Harry nodded and winced. Fortunately he was saved more embarrassment by the bell, at which he rushed straight up to his dorm, Grabbed the first sharp thing he could find and ripped at his arm. The blood gushed out in small torrents to the best of his heart as he breathed a sigh of relief. It always felt better after he cut sometimes. He watched the blood pulse out of the would for a few more seconds before closing it up and cleaning up the blood with the wave of his wand.

He noticed he felt a bit woozy. That's to be expected. He should eat.

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