Chapter 17

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I pull into a spot closer to our building and turn the truck off. We are all wiping our selves off and tucking back into our clothing. Mia is flushed and her lips look sexy and plump from all of the kissing and sucking her mouth did over the last hour. I think I say this every day now, but this was the best night of my life. Every day just seems to get better with my Mia.

For so long we were her best friends and I hoped our relationship would naturally progress into this, but now that it is, it's nothing like I could have imagined. It's so easy and flows so smoothly. Mia is so comfortable and confident. She is all of a sudden this sexy grown ass woman that takes charge. She's adjusting so easily to our relationship changing and she has no issue juggling between the three of us. There isn't jealousy or favorites. I feel grateful we had the previous years together to get her to this point. All of the waiting was so worth the reward.

I open Mia's door to get her out and have to practically pry her out of Bash's grip. She comes easily to me and tangles her hand with mine. Even though Bash just said he loved her and totally fucked the other two of us she still easily moves between us. If she had a favorite right now it would have to be Bash, but she let go of his hand to hold mine. I feel relief. I didn't realize I was worried she would favor him now because he said it first, but I remind myself Mia would never do that. She jokes all the time about who is her favorite that day, but she has never shown favoritism and has always given herself evenly and equally.

"What do we have to talk about Trev?" She's biting her bottom lip in a worrying sign.

"Us, baby. It's a good talk. We want to talk about our relationship and our intentions from here on out."

"Your intentions were pretty clear in the car." She mumbles. That gets a laugh out of all of us and I can tell some of her nerves have dissipated.

"Just wait angel, I have plans for your sexy ass tonight." Liam winks as he holds the door open for us to walk into the male dorms. She gives him a cheeky smile,

"I always like your plans."

We check her in and get up to our dorm. We moved the mattresses back to the floor earlier and laid out blankets and pillows. She stands there awkwardly not sure what to do now that I've dropped the "talk" bomb. Liam comes up behind her and massages her shoulders. He whispers in her ear,

"Can I see what's under the dress?" She grins and shakes her head yes, but she's looking at me.

Liam pushes her hair to one side and kisses down the bare side. Her eyes close in bliss, but mine stay glued to her serene expression. Bash is laying in our floor bed watching the exchange.

"Baby," Her eyes open and snap to mine. Liam continues kissing down her shoulder and back up her neck, licking and sucking while he goes.

"We want to be in your relationship network. Well we want to be your network, we would prefer if no one else joins it." I stop to gauge her reaction.

Liam has stopped kissing her and stands behind her with his arms wrapped around her. I'm thankful he stopped because I want her focused for this conversation. She seems to understand this is a more serious conversation now and nods at me to continue.

"We are prepared to sign contracts today, but we are also prepared to wait for as long as you need us too. As always, you lead us baby. When you're ready, so are we. We just want to make sure you understand clearly what our intentions are. We want to build our lives with you, around you. We want more then a contract, we want a marriage and a family. I love you baby. I have loved you for a long, long time."

Liam makes eye contact with me so I stop my speech and give him his time.

"I promise to protect you for all of your life angel, and if we are ever lucky enough to see little babies made by you I will protect them the same. I want you to have everything. I want you to enjoy college and make lots of memories, but I'm selfish because I want to be in all of those memories. I want to solidify our relationship so everyone knows you're mine and I'm yours. I'm the last one to tell you tonight that I love you, but that doesn't mean I feel it any less. I fucking love you. I'd give my life for yours."

He looks to his brother. Mia has a tear slipping down her cheek and that one tear calls on mine, but I hold them back. I'm feeling a lot of fucking emotions right now and this moment feels really important.

"That's all I've ever wanted lover. Since I was 10 years old and watched you kick my brother and tell him he had no talent. That was the defining moment for me. We are yours Mia. I love you. Tell us you want a life with us? Tell us you want to sign a contract eventually? We will give you whatever you ask for babe, we will do whatever you ask of us, but tell me that's what you want too?"

She's crying harder now and she tries to wipe away tears before speaking.

"Of course I love you. Each of you. I have loved you most of my life, that love has just kind of..changed over the last year I guess." She makes eye contact with each of us and her words are strong, but emotion makes them shaky.

"Thank you for being patient with me and for letting me do the things I need too before committing to this. I want this," She looks to Bash.

"I want each of you, forever. I want a big family," She looks to me.

"And I definitely want babies eventually," She chuckles and leans to look up at Liam who's already smiling down at her.

"I'm not ready to sign a contract." It stings when she says that.

I know the romantic part of our relationship is new and I knew that this would be her answer, but it still stings.

"I want too, and I will sign one. I can promise you that, but I just need more time. This is new for me. Everything I'm feeling and everything that's's so new. I want to enjoy this and soak this time in before we rush forward. We have four years to date and be alone for the first time without parents or boundaries. Four years of memories,"

She looks back up to Liam. "Which of course I want each of you in every one. Let's travel on our breaks, lets go on a thousand dates and have a thousand sneaky sleepovers. I want what I've always wanted, a life with my best friends. Well err it's kind of different because I want my best friends' dicks now too, but you get the gist."

She finishes with a shrug. Everything she said is exactly what we want. We want a contract and we want to propose, but those things can wait. We really just want her and everything she's offering to us.

"Will you refer to us as your network when other's ask? Your dorm already thinks we are anyway." Liam asks with his lips touching the top of her head.

"Of course I will. You are mine Liam and I am yours. We don't need a legality telling us that." She turns to kiss him. She leans her head onto his chest and mumbles,

"Are we waiting to have sex until we sign a contract?" Liam smiles and Bash says,

"What was that? I didn't hear you over here." He definitely heard her.

"I'm not ready tonight, but soon I think I will be. I want to have sex.. I mean obviously with you guys, but do you want to wait since I don't want to sign a contract yet?"

"Hmmm I'll have to think real hard about that." Bash replies. He's smiling, but she has turned her face back into Liam's chest so she can't see that.

"Fuck no." From Liam

"Absolutely not." From Bash

"Not a chance baby."

We all respond around the same time and she dissolves in a fit of giggles.

"You said something about seeing what's under the dress yeah?" Mia looks up to ask Liam. He doesn't hesitate for even a second before turning her around to face me. She's still wearing the heels and falls of balance but his grip on her hips keeps her upright. She's looking right at me now.

"Hi baby," I wink.

"Hi Trevy." she smiles.

Liam picks up where he left off with kissing down the other side of her throat now. He unzips the back of her dress and Bash and I sit on pins and needles waiting for the reveal.

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