Chapter 15

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We walk quickly towards the truck. When I see two heads through the back window I slow my pace, knowing they are both safely inside. My hands are still shaking with rage and I want to rip Drew's eyes out of his fucking head. I have always become aggressive when another man has dared to disrespect what's mine and I know it's something I need to learn to control better. My angel is beautiful I can't kill everyone who looks at her.. or can I? No I really probably shouldn't, I doubt she would like that.

I rip the passenger door open and Mia scoots into the middle seeing my intention. I climb in and slam the door behind me as I hear Bash get in the back. Mia crawls onto my lap and nestles her head into my neck.

"It's ok handsome. Thank you for defending me. He made me really uncomfortable. Did you get in trouble?" She kisses the side of my neck and I let out a breath I was holding. A part of me worried she would be upset over my out burst.

"Tell me what he did and said before you came downstairs please." I ask with barely contained rage.

My hand slips up her bare thigh where her tight sexy red dress has ridden up and I grip her leg pulling her closer to me. I inhale her scent and she smells like this sweet vanilla lotion she always wears. I smile because my Ma got it for her one time years ago and Mia loved it so much Ma gets it for her every birthday and holiday.

"He told me I was pretty and kept looking at my body like he was trying to imagine me naked. Nothing else happened, but I just get a very gross feeling from him and I don't want to see him again." She's talking quietly, but the car is deathly silent so we can all hear her clearly.

"You won't angel. He's being moved to another building, Carter made sure of it. We are not in trouble and everything's fine." I run my fingers through her curls as one of her hands plays with the buttons on my shirt.

"Carter was called? Great now he's going to come pick me up. Cassidy even threatened earlier he could be here by midnight." She sighs. I chuckle and so do my brothers.

"He won't be coming I promise." I tell her.

"Actually he might be driving right now Mia was supposed to call him 10 minutes ago." Bash hands Mia his vidscreen and she hurriedly dials Carter.

"If he ruins my second first date I'll be so fucking annoyed." She huffs.

It's cute she thinks this is our first date. I mean I guess it looks like our first real date, we did get dressed up and everything. Reality is we've been dating this girl since 5th grade. We have taken her on hundreds of dates even if they didn't seem like ones at the time. I kiss her head, happy she's excited for this "date."

We sit in the car another 10 minutes while Mia retells everything to Carter. He's calm and collected, the opposite of what he was 30 minutes ago in the guard office. Cassidy is in the background adding her commentary and mumbling about
Mia attracting trouble. Carter ends the call by telling Mia she looks beautiful and to enjoy her night with her watch dogs. Mia giggles and says she will check in when we return. I hope we are too busy doing other things when we return, but I guess we will try to remind her to check in at some point.

"Thank you guys. I'm sorry about the trouble, Cassidy is right, BUT it finds me. I swear I don't go looking for it!"

We all laugh and she kisses me on the lips before turning to kiss Trevor then crawls into the back seat with Bash. As she crawls over the console I have a very good view of her lace covered pussy and the bottom of her luscious ass cheeks and my dick gives a twitch in acknowledgement. Trevor slaps her ass and she squeaks and lands in Bash's lap head first.

"I thought this is how I'd end the night, not start it." She says her face muffled by Bash's crotch.

Bash chokes on his own spit and helps her up. His cheeks are bright pink and the tent in his pants is growing. Trevor and I burst out laughing and it takes a minute to get it under control.

"Baby you can end the night however you want too. Wait you can also start the night however you want to, should we go inside?" Trevor cracks his door open like he's going to get out, "Yeah we should definitely go inside."

Mia screams and slides over into the other side of Bash so Trevor can't reach her.

"Shut your door right now! You have to buy me dinner first you freak!"

"Okay angel, dinner first-dick after. We're on it!" I slap Trevor's arm telling him to drive and she giggles as she cuddles into Bash's side.. who is not the only one who's pants are tenting now.

Dinner is perfect. Mia is happy and glowing. I hear sweet giggles and get many kisses before it's over. She eats a ton because we take turns hand feeding her and making her try every dish we ordered. She gets dessert and licks chocolate syrup off Trevor's finger and all of us end up in a trance watching her tongue and lips suck his finger into her mouth. Bash dunks his entire finger into her dessert and begs to be next. She laughs him off and hands him a napkin, but then dips her finger in the chocolate and makes Bash suck it off. She lets out a quiet moan and Trevor raises his hand up and screams "check!" in a high pitched voice that makes us all chuckle.

Bestie BoysOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara