Make It Stop

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Warning! This chapter contains violence and profanity! I was supposed to do this on the other chapters but I completely forgot since I was focused on just typing and publishing. Lol. Sorry!


"Ava..." A voice sang.

I hid with my back against the wall. I know where he is and I know I had to run but I couldn't.

"Ava..." The voice got closer but it came at the opposite direction it was originally at.

My head was racing as I finally took a step away from the wall, just to be slammed against it once again. I tried to scream but air was unable to escape from my lungs as he squeezed my neck hard. I tried to grab the hand that was squeezing my neck, only to find nothing but my own. I quickly released myself, gasping for air as tears streaked down my face.


I turned and saw my mom looking at me, worried. "Mom?"

"Why didn't you listen to me?"

I looked at her, confused. "What? What do you mean?"

"I told you to stay in your room. Why didn't you listen to me? I could've lived. Your dad could've lived."

I didn't understand what she was saying and then I saw blood dripping from her eyes and mouth. I started screaming, stumbling back into the wall as I tried to get away. I turned to my right and screamed again when I saw a face inches from mine. Ramiro grinned at me. I stumbled back and fell to the floor. I tried to crawl away, just to feel a weight on top of me.

"No! Get off of me! Leave me alone!"

"I told you no one would care about you. It's your fault. You're the reason they died." He whispered menacingly into my ear.

I was crying, desperately trying to get away.

"Baby girl, wake up."

I could hear a muffled voice from afar. It sounded soothing and warm. I closed my eyes and paid attention to nothing but that voice that was calling out to me.

I opened my eyes, even though I knew I couldn't see a thing but for the first time in a long time, I wished I could see something. Anything. Anything to bring me out of the darkness that I had been forced to live with. Anything to erase what I saw in my dreams.

I noticed the arms that were wrapped carefully around me. "Mary?" I croaked, my throat aching.

"Yes, sweetheart," she said, her voice trembling as she stroked my head. "I'm here. I'm here."

I broke down, sobbing, even though my body protested. I cried the tears that I've kept in for days. I cried for the pain I felt. I cried for the guilt I shouldn't feel. I cried for the loss that hasn't disappeared till this day. I simply cried until I fell asleep once again.


I woke up again, disoriented and heavy. "Mary?"


"Uncle Dave?" I raised my voice a bit louder.

The door clicked open, followed by three set of footsteps.

"Ace?" Uncle Dave came to my side.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Well, from the time that we last talked, that would be two days ago but Mary said you woke up in the middle of the night last night. Not long after, you fell back asleep. You feeling better, kiddo?"

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