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Okay, it seems I don't have much luck this year because it just totally sucks ass. Anyways, I lost my phone a few months ago and I just recently got a new one. Now I'm back on Wattpad to read and write. Buuut, BEFORE I can write, I got to reread this damn story from the beginning because I honestly forgot everything that went on. I am a very forgetful person okay? Don't hate me. And honestly, I know it's my story but rereading it so many times... I'm entitled to be bored with it... And that's exactly what I'm facing right now. Boredom. From my story. I need assistance ASAP. I need a fucken motivator or a miracle! 😒 Anywho, I just wanted to apologize for the major hold up. Just wait for another year and the next chapter will be up😁

I'm kidding. Don't kill me😐 but gimme a few days  and it'll be up😁 thanks! Enjoy your day/night!

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