Worst Day Ever

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"Baby, stay in here okay? Don't move." Mom hugged me tight, smiling before exiting the room, closing the door behind her.

Loud noise sounded from downstairs and I got off the bed where I sat. I walked towards the door and slowly opened it. The door creaked loudly as my heart  pounded in my ears.

I looked down the dark hall and saw that it was empty. I slowly walked towards the top of the stairs and carefully walked down. It was eeriely quiet. The only thing I could hear was my heart pounding louder and louder as my footsteps brushed the carpeted stairs as I moved down.

Once I reached the last step, my nerves were as tight as a harp string getting ready to snap. I looked around but the whole house was dark and silent. There was no sign indicating that mom or dad is here.

I swallowed nervously as I stepped forward away from the stairs. I wanted to call out but I was scared that someone else could be here with me.

I carefully walked towards the wall to the right with my hands stretched out so I could feel for anything that I could possibly hit. Once I touched the wall, I sighed in relief before running my hands along the wall.

Right when I felt the light switch underneath my fingers, I heard a slight tap on the tiled floors and I froze. I held my breath as I tried to hear for anything else. I could feel myself trembling as my ears rang from the absolute silence. I bit my lip hard as tears started pooling into my eyes.

Tap. Tap.

This time the sound was closer but to my left. I took a deep breath as I faced my body towards where I heard the sound coming from. I mentally counted to three and flipped the switch, just to see a face covered in blood inches from my face. It took about half a second before I let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Ava..." It gasped as it's hands reached up towards my face. "Ava."

I tried to push myself further back into the wall to distance myself as much as possible. The blood was dripping onto the floor. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I stood, trembling.


I gasped, shooting up from the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down."

It took me a few seconds to realize that it was Uncle Dave that was talking to me. He rubbed circles on my back in comfort as he waited for me to calm down.

By the time my heart beat and breathing was back to normal, Mary walked into the room. She handed me a glass of cold water and I gladly took it.

After I handed the cup back, I leaned my head against Uncle Dave who was sitting beside me.

"You okay, kiddo?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah." I whispered, throat sore from screaming.

Maria must've signalled him to move aside because he suddenly moved and she sat where he originally sat. She didn't say a thing. She just gathered me in her arms and hugged me tight.

My throat clogged up with raw emotions and it was like a dam burst. I started sobbing, clinging to her desperately as I tried to erase the nightmare from my mind.

She just held me tight as she spoke in a soothing voice, telling me that everything's okay and that they were here for me. She didn't seem to mind that I was dripping snot and tears onto her as I cried.

I would've felt embarrassed if I didn't think of her as my own mother figure. I picked up my head from her chest as I wiped the tears from my face.

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