The School's Bad Boy

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Jake pic^

As Jake and I walked towards my class, I can't help but think of the mystery guy. I know he's the same guy that I bumped into earlier and who was such an ass. I wish I could just break his face into a wall or something. "Who is that guy? Ryder, is it?"

I can feel Jake shift beside me like as if he turned to face me as we walked. "Yeah, he's my best friend."

I raised a brow, "best friend? Why is it that after nearly a year of being friends, I have never heard of him?"

He chuckled, "well, I thought that you already knew of him. There are only a handful of people who hasn't heard his name, I'm just shocked that you're part of the handful. You seriously never heard of him?"

I thought for a moment, then shook my head. "No, I'm pretty sure I've never heard of him."

"Huh, wow," he muttered, "and I thought the entire school was all about him."

I frowned, hearing a slight change in his voice, "you don't sound like you appreciate any of that."

He was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "it's not that I'm not happy for him. Yeah, the popularity is great but for once, I just wished he'd pull his head out of his ass and actually see what's really going on around him. It's like he doesn't even notice Derrick and I anymore and what I mean by that is that it's like he doesn't even bother listening to us anymore. It's like we are just his bitches at the side that he expects to listen to his every command. I just... I just want my friend back."

I leaned my hand out to the direction of his voice and caught ahold of his shirt sleeve. I rubbed his arm in comfort as I searched the right words to say. "Well, I don't know what to say about that since I have no idea what it feels like to be popular-"

He scoffed in disbelief, "you're joking right?"

My face must've shown confusion because he started chuckling. "What? What's so funny?"

"You don't know how it feels to be popular?" He asked like as if it was the stupidest thing I've ever said. "Ava, you are one of the most popular girls in the school. You don't notice how many people try to get your attention?"

People try to get my attention? What?? Am I that oblivious to everything else that I didn't notice? I shook my head slightly, "just because people try to get my attention doesn't mean I'm popular, Jake."

I have a feeling he just rolled his eyes at me but whatever, he's wrong. How can I be popular? I mean, wouldn't I know if I was popular or not? I really hope I'm not because popularity is one thing I can not stand.

"Okay, well, here's your class," Jake said, reluctantly, "I'll see you around?"

I smiled at him, "yes, lunch time?"

"Okay," he said with a happier tone. "I'll see you then."

I chuckled, "okay."

I turned and walked into my class, using my sensitive hearing as a guide for me to know where to go. Believe it or not but I depend more on my hearing than anything else. I can hear the echo of the sounds bounce back to me so it tells me whether or not something is in front of me or close by. It's also that feeling or instinct of whether or not I might run into something. It's hard to explain but that is how it's mostly easy for me to go around places. If I was too distracted with other things, I won't be able to concentrate so I end up losing focus and making a fool out of myself. That is why I try to focus whenever I'm walking alone.

I sat down at an empty seat when I felt a presence come beside me, "hi, Ava!"

I smile at Candice Steven's cheery voice. She is the Captain of the cheer leading squad and she's actually a really nice person. "Hey, Candy."

"I just wanted to invite you and your best friends to my party this Friday."

I thought for a moment, then shrugged, "sure, why not?"

She squealed, "awesome! Everyone will be so glad you came."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You and your friends. Everyone would be psyched to know that you'll be there."

"But why?"

She paused for a moment, "why? You're kidding right?"

I shook my head, "nope, what's so special about me and my girls being there?"

"You three are the most popular girls in school but it's like you guys don't care. Why do you think everyone invites you to their parties?"

"They do?" I was seriously lost here.

She giggled, "yes, silly. Now I'll see you there at the party okay? It starts at 8 but you can come whenever."

I smiled at her, nodding, then she turned and walked back to her seat. Am I seriously that clueless? Jeez, so much for having heightened senses. I mentally rolled my eyes at my thoughts.

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. Ms. Ross, our English teacher, started handing out the syllabus. "Okay, class, I'll just be going over the syllabus and afterwards, you can do whatever you want with your time as long as you don't cause too much noise."

People start chattering excited and Ms. Ross laughed, "hold off your excitement and let's go through this first."

As she read the syllabus and started to explain the rules, I felt someone kick the back of my chair. I ignored it at first until it happened again but a little harder. I turned to face behind me, "did you want something?"

"No, I just wanted to bother you," a familiar voice said.

I groaned in annoyance, hearing Ryder's voice. "It's you. What the hell are you doing here?" I faced forward as I scowled.

"Awww come on, beautiful, I know you secretly want me here."

I can practically feel him smirking behind me and it just made me want to throw him out the window. "You know, you should have the doctor check that out. I heard delusions are one of the signs of a person who is mentally ill."

He laughed sarcastically, "you're so funny, I'm dying back here."

"I wish you did die," I muttered angrily.

He laughed, "I love you too, beautiful. You should get some therapy though, work on those anger issues of yours."

I was about to snap at him when Ms. Ross cut in. "Ryder, Ava. Is there something you want to share with the class?"

"Yes, actually, he's a major pain in the ass who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut."

A few giggles and laughter goes throughout the class.

"Oh come on now, she loves that I give her my attention and anyways, isn't there a school policy where you aren't supposed to be using sunglasses in class? I'm pretty sure the whole purpose for it is to be worn outside, not inside." He said smugly.

A few girls giggled but other than that, everyone else was quiet. I slowly turned to face him, "well, you ignorant asshole, if you must know, I'm blind so that's another purpose of using sunglasses inside."

With that being said, I turned back to the front and nodded to the teacher, "Sorry for interrupting, you may continue."

For the rest of the class, Ryder never said anything else or bothered me in any way. I think I surprised him but whatever, I don't care. He's still an ignorant, egotistical asshole who needs to learn to think before he speaks. God, I can't wait for today to end.

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