Chapter 62

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Hey, Hazel. It's been two weeks and you're still ignoring me. You still haven't replied to my messages. I'm worried about you and I just want to know if you're doing okay. I miss you and I don't want to spend one more day in this empty, lonely place. I miss you, Waffle... Please come home.

It's me again... You're sending me straight to voicemail and I can't help but missing you and wanting to hear your sweet voice. Please, come home. I love you.

Today is very special to me. You should pass by. It'll mean a lot to me. I want you to be there for me tonight. I want you close to me. Jack is sick. You should visit him. I want to see you, Hazel. Please stop acting like this. You're killing me slowly. Text me or call me. I'll be waiting.

"You suck, Brother..." Jack's voice interfered as a laugh melted in his tone. He was spying on me. "Lesson number one, if you want a girl to miss you. Don't ever leave voicemails or text messages. Man to man, if a woman cares about you, she'll come back to you eventually. I want you to remember that she left you. It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself."

"Man!" I let out a deep sigh. "What do you do with a broken heart?"

What do I do with all this love? Holy Heaven, have mercy on my soul. I don't think I can hold on for another night? I need her near. I want to smell her presence on the other side of the bed. I want to cherish her warm skin underneath my cold fingers. I want to taste the flavor of her saliva in my mouth once again.

Dear Lord, grant me this last wish.

"If you want to heal your heart, Hawk. You have to make a lot of sacrifices." He paused, knowing his following sentences are not going to be enjoyable."Hazel is driving you insane. You're looking in the wrong place for her selfish love. You're going to end up hurting yourself if you keep thinking about her like this."

"I can't help it, Jack."

"Of course you can." He disagreed. "You just have to explore love somewhere else. There are a lot of fishes in the sea, Hawk. You need to learn how to let go sometimes even if you have to break your own heart by doing it."

Jack's words terrorized me, selfishly. I didn't want to forget Hazel. No. It was already too late. I fell in love with this woman. "I love her, Jack."

He gasped, annoyingly.

"What's your definition of Love, Hawk?"

"Jack Walter..." I made it personal. "Love is just a word until you find someone to give it a definition," I spoke the truth as a flame of hot tears flew upon my face. "Love..." I chuckled nervously, daydreaming about forgotten memories. "Love is when you shed a tear but still want her in your life." I was referring to Hazel. "It's-- It's when-" I stuttered as I tried to keep myself from breaking down. "It's when she ignores your texts, phone calls and you still think the world of her. It's when she asks if you still love her but you lie and say 'I'm over you.' when you're dying to make love to her on the inside."

"Hawk," He smiled. "Sometimes, you have to let go of the person you love." His confidence melted in his voice. "Love is when you love someone with all your heart but you still have the courage to let them go even if it's killing you, slowly."

Little do you know, Jack? I don't want to let her go.

"I'm not going to change my mind." I gave him my word.

"Oh, I almost forgot, little one." Jack hugged me, tightly. "Happy Birthday!"

"Today is your birthday, Hawk." He changed the subject. "Aren't you supposed to throw a party or something?"

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