Chapter 42

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Hazel's eyes were already judging Natalie's intentions. I thought she was still sleeping but I was wrong. Hazel was wide awake and she was creating a new problem in the house. She was pretending to care about me, to like me and to be close to me just to get under Natalie's skin. I didn't know why she was doing that. She clearly told me to live my life and have fun. She was acting jealous and I didn't know if she was acting or showing her real feelings towards me.

Girls only want you when someone else has your full attention.

Natalie didn't want to fight Hazel. She was acting mature in the situation and agreed that she was my girlfriend. She didn't want to ruin Hazel's vibe. On the contrary, she was trying to stay out of the conversation and continue with her perfect day. She felt embarrassed and was ready to leave the house. Her reaction showed her true feelings and intentions.

"Who is she?" Hazel judged her from head to toe. "Why is she here?" She yelled with severe jealousy. "What's going on here?"

"Hazel?" I called out. "This is Natalie. She's going to stay here for a few days." I tried to calm her down. "You need to stop exaggerating. My friends are outside."

"Why was she all over you then?" She replied with an annoying tone. "Is she a friend? Do you like her?"

Natalie laughed and tried her best not to say something she was going to regret.

"She's just helping me with the food." I clarified. "Go back to sleep. There's nothing going on." I promised.

"Go back to sleep huh?" Hazel exclaimed. "So you're sending me to my bedroom but she's going to stay here and help you?" She grabbed the knife in Natalie's hand. "I'm not tired. You can leave now, girl." She glanced at Natalie. "I'm going to help him. He doesn't need you anymore." Hazel pushed her to the side. "Shoo..."

"What are you doing, Hazel?" I asked, impatiently. "Why did you push her? This is not nice." My eyebrows disagreed with her severe action. "What's wrong with you?"

Natalie didn't say a word. She decided to stay in her place.

"What's wrong with me?" She reversed my question. "What did you expect? You're mine and she was on the way." Her sentence was pissing me off. The way she said it was selfish and cruel. I know she was the one that I wanted but the way she treated her was really wrong. "I don't want her to be next to you. Why do you need her if I'm right here next to you?"

I ignored Hazel.

"Natalie..." I sighed as I headed in her direction. "I'm really sorry about her behavior. She's not usually like this." I tried to protect Hazel with a better cover. "She's going through a lot right now, she has a quick temper." Hazel shared a petty laugh. "Do you still want to help me?"

"It's okay," Natalie replied, gently. "I totally understand her. She's right and maybe I was too close to you. I apologize." Her words rushed from a bitter view and smashed her intentions to an understanding temperament.

"I'm sorry."I grabbed her hand, gently. "Please, help me." I let out a soft sigh. "I need you." I gave Hazel a flavor of her own poison. "Please."

"Hawk?" Hazel grabbed me by the arm. "What about me?" Her question pursued my thoughts. "You don't need me?"

"I... I... Uh..." I paused as I tried to collect my words and make sure that I wasn't on anyone's side. "I do..." I sighed, impatiently. "I do need you..." She smiled, satisfyingly. "Matter of fact, I need both of you."

"Fine."Hazel gave a scornful smile. "Are you happy?" Her question was more for Natalie. She was acting really strange and I didn't like the way she was treating her. She was just a guest.

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