Chapter 35

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"Nobody!" Hazel screamed as she detached her hands from both of us. "Stop fighting, please." Her words were sharp as a knife. Her tone showed how annoyed she was. She wasn't ready to make a decision. "We can make a deal." She glanced at me, nervously.

"I'm listening," I replied, confidently. "What's the deal?" I questioned as I begged her lips to make a good one. I wanted to protect her and my baby. I wanted the best for us. She was my woman and I was not ready to let her go without a fight.

"You were just telling me that you wanted to take care of this baby." My heart skipped beats as her words started to navigate through her mouth. "If you want this baby, I'm going to give it to you but on one condition, I'll marry this gentleman." She pointed her index at Max. "If you don't want to keep the child, I'll come home with you but I won't keep it."

Tough decision. Easy choice.

Why would I kill my own baby? Why would I let another guy make love to my woman every night? I wanted to choose Hazel but at the same time, I didn't want to lose my only child. I wanted her to leave with Max and keep the child but I knew deep down, that I wasn't going to survive one day. What if Max kills the baby and has Hazel all to himself? I'll lose both of them and I don't want that.

Choosing was hard but I know it was the best thing to do. I didn't want Max to make love to Hazel and make her fall in love with him all over again. I didn't want him to poison my baby and keep her to himself. I didn't want my enemy to win my woman over. I knew he didn't care about the baby. That wasn't his baby and I knew he was capable of getting rid of it without hesitation. I didn't want to take that chance. I was willing to make a big sacrifice.

Hazel was the only good thing in my life. I didn't want to lose her to the devil's son.

"You can ..." I sighed, urgently. "You can get rid of the baby." I regretted my words but I knew that it was the best decision. I didn't want to lose both of them at the same time.

Jack's jaw dropped as he tried his best to make me change my mind. "Hawk? Are you sure? We're talking about your child here. Reconsider, man." He stood by my side. "Please." He gave me a friendly punch to the arm.

"I made my decision, Jack." I squeezed my teeth against each other. "I want her." Hazel forced a smile.

"Fine!" Hazel stated. "I pick you, then." She said, truthfully. "But don't forget our deal. I'll do it in a few weeks." She stared at Dr. Pen. "Doctor, I'll be ready in a few weeks." Doctor Pen nodded his head and excused himself.

Jack left the room and Max followed.

Hazel and I were finally alone.

"Thank you..." I whispered under my teeth. "It was a tough decision but..."

"Listen," Hazel cut me off completely. "I want you to keep your distance from now on. I'll keep the baby but you're going to stay away from me. You can't touch me, kiss me or make love to me." She raised an eyebrow. "Are we clear?"

"Why did you lie about the deal?" I questioned her loyalty. "Why did you make them think that you're going to have an abortion? I hate lies and that was one thing I hated about you."

"Take it or leave it." She ignored my questions. "Your choice."

"Fine, I'll keep my hands to myself." I agreed for the sake of the child. "You can count on me."

"I want to leave now." She commanded. "Can we?"

"Sure." I hesitated. "We can make it happen." I was unsure and confused. It was hard to say no to her. There was something about Hazel that drives me insane and makes me weak on the inside. Hazel had my heart and I was willing to do anything for her. Despite, everything that has happened in the past. I wanted to forgive and forget.

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