Ch. 8 - A Surprise Visitor

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The next day Everly woke up feeling refreshed because she had actually gotten the best sleep she had had in a long time. She didn't even need coffee that morning to get her going which was very unusual for her. She had three classes that day and the first two seemed to be going really slow.

After her second class got out she got a text from Keaton. 'What are you doing for lunch? Want to meet me in the food court?'

It was kind of nice that she already had somebody to eat lunch with so she wouldn't have to be alone. 

Everly answered back, 'Sure. Meet me there in 15 minutes at the tables by Chik Fil-A?'

He replied with only a thumbs up emoji.

She got her food and was lucky to find a table right in the center of the common eating area, A couple had just left it and she swooped in and got it just in time. The large open room was loud and crowded and full of tables of people chatting away and eating.

When Keaton came through the doors she noticed a quiet fell over the room as all the women stopped to watch him, like they were in a trance, mesmerized by his handsome face. He walked with confidence and there was something about him that made people stop and pay attention.  He had charisma and a cocky swagger that was so attractive. Some of the women were whispering to each other and pointing in his direction, ogling him openly without shame. 

He was looking even hotter today than normal, wearing dark sunglasses, a black leather jacket over a tight white t-shirt that showed his muscles, crisp dark jeans and a large, very expensive silver watch on his wrist. The sight of him gave Everly butterflies in her stomach and made her feel giddy, but she was trying to play it cool.

She didn't want to scare him away by letting on how much she was starting to like him since he made it very clear he didn't do the whole relationship thing. He walked up to Everly, slipping his sunglasses off as he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before whispering in her ear that he was going to get his food and he would be back.

She smiled and nodded her head, not able to say a word before he walked away with the smell of his cologne lingering behind, making her miss him already. He always seemed to have that effect on her. When she looked up she noticed that she now had about a hundred pairs of eyes on her and that made her uncomfortable so she looked down, trying to focus on eating, but she could still feel them looking.

When Keaton returned with his food he moved the chair from the other side of the table over right next to hers and sat down beside her.

She looked over into his blue eyes and smiled. "So, how were your classes today?"

"Eh," he shrugged. "Classes are classes," he said, taking a bite.

"Yeah, I guess so," she said, letting out an exhale. "So what's your major?" she asked, taking a bite of her food too.

"I'm double majoring in business and English literature. I plan to be a CEO one day and then I'll write a book all about it," he said, looking over at her with a smile, but it quickly faded when his cell phone went off and he saw who it was.

"What is it? I told you I'm busy today and not to be bothered," he barked out, sounding irritated as he ran a hand over his face and up through his hair, leaning back in his seat. "Well if the shipments came in just call Scott and tell him they ALL have to be unloaded today and put in the warehouse. The deadline for pick up is tomorrow. Can you handle that? Don't fuck it up this time or it'll be your head," Keaton said, hanging up and tossing the phone onto the table.

"What was that about?" Everly asked.

"I've been helping my Dad run his New York operations and he's hired this git to oversee everything but he's totally incompetent. I have to tell him what to do every step of the way. If it was up to me he would've been gone by now," Keaton said, letting out an irritated exhale.

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