Ch. 35 - Mile High Club

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"Open it," Keaton smiled, looking down at the envelope in Everly's hands.

She gave him a curious look as she ripped it open, having no idea what it could be. On the inside were two printed out airline tickets and her heart skipped a beat and she stopped breathing for a second as she pulled them out. She gasped and her eyes instantly started filling up with tears when she saw 'Chicago, Illinois' in the destination field. That was the closest airport to her little hometown. 

She looked back up at him with her mouth hanging open.

"Surprise, we're going home to see your family for Thanksgiving," he smiled.

She couldn't even speak. She just walked forward and hugged her arms around his neck and started crying.

"I can't believe you did this," she sniffled, holding him tight. 

"I saw how sad you were about not being able to go home to see your family for Thanksgiving," he said softly as he pulled back from the hug to look down at her with a smile. "I knew if I asked you, you wouldn't have let me spend the money so I decided to surprise you."

Everly looked up at his handsome face with tears in her eyes and her heart melted. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you," she sniffled, laying her head against his chest. 

Then a thought crossed her mind and she looked back up at him. "Wait. Does my family know we're coming?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "I've talked to your Mom a couple times. I got her number off Brad." 

"You talked to my Mom?" she asked in shock. 

"Yeah, it was a little awkward at first since she had no idea who I was. She was surprised to hear we've been dating since August, because she said you two talk every day and you've never mentioned a word about me."  

Everly's face blushed red. "Yeah, ummmm," she rubbed the back of her neck and laughed awkwardly. "It's not like I'm ashamed of you Keaton. I was just nervous about how they'd react. My family's REALLY close to Brad, so every time I tried to tell them about you I chickened out." 

"Well you can stop worrying about that because I told them for you. You're off the hook," he smiled. 

"What did they say? How did they react?" 

"It was your Mom I told. She was really nice about the whole thing." He laughed and said, "I actually talked to her for almost two hours."

"Two hours!" Everly gasped with wide eyes. "What on earth did you talk about with my Mom for two hours?"

"Anything and everything. She's quite a talker. She reminds me a lot of you actually," he laughed with a smile and she smacked his arm and rolled her eyes, laughing. "You didn't need to be so worried about telling her though. She sounded really excited to meet me."

Everly shook her head and smiled. "I should've known you'd win her over. I forgot how charming you can be." 

"How could you possibly forget something like that?" he teased with a smirk, leaning down and giving her a kiss. "Now we better quit messing about and get you packed. We have a flight to catch."

She was so excited she squealed and clapped her hands, jumping up and down.

"I can't wait for you to meet everybody!" she said as she grabbed her suitcase out of the closet and started packing clothes and toiletries into it.

A couple hours later her and Keaton were at the airport scanning their tickets at the gate and boarding their plane.

The stewardess read their tickets and said, "You're both in first class. Follow me and I'll show you the way."

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