33. Maeve

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There is nothing I can feel right now other than fear. I'm still fucking shocked when Cara grabbed me by my wrist and led me outside to the swimming pool where Lexy is escaping herself from me. Cara's grip on my wrist is pretty tight that I feel some pain from it. She hasn't let me go when she yells at Lexy.

"Not now, Cara. Please don't bother me," Lexy says in a very flat tone after she sees me standing behind Cara. I know she doesn't want to talk to me anymore since that day I acted so cold and avoided her. I realized I didn't give any reasons why I was being like that.

Lexy has just been simply avoiding me too at all cost as if I never existed at all. I know deep down she's upset about me acting so stupid without reasons and for that she built up an ego around her to make me feel guilty.

It taken me back to when she tried to talk to me, asking what was wrong but I ignored her the next day and after. She tried a few more attempts but my actions remained the same. But I never thought she would stop and give up. She treated me like a complete ghost and wouldn't even look at me or talk to me at least. It was too much for me.

Cara takes a quick glance at me. The furrow on her face hasn't left. I whisper at her that we should just go and leave Lexy alone but she doesn't seem to understand.

"I said we need to fucking talk, Maybelline." Cara repeats her words after I give her another signal, calling Lexy by her another middle name, which she has just ignored again. Cara tightens her grip on me and walk ourselves towards Lexy who is now continue walking.

"What the fuck, Cara?" Lexy is sassing as Cara janks her arm. "I told you not to fucking bother me, didn't I?" Lexy's face changes. Her face gets angry that I'm more scared than I was before. "And why the fuck did you bring her here if you want to talk so bad?"

"Because this involves you two, dumb shit. I'm not gonna just stand there and watch you two ignoring each other. I mean, this has been days, Lex. Come on!" Cara raises her voice, eventually lets me go off her grip. "You guys need to talk. Do you think this is fun for me that you two-"

"Yeah?" Lexy cuts her off in a mocking way. "I still don't want to talk to her." She gives me a quick glare that I turn away immediately. She walks away again.

"Alexandra Maybelline Dawn Blackwood!" Cara shouts her full name in a loud, sharp way. The name that I haven't heard for so many years is called today. The name that I used to doodle in every book I had when we were kids.

"What is it this time, Cara?" I don't dare to look at her because she gets scarier every time she turns around. I find the atmosphere now is getting intense and I find it a bit hard to breathe. I'm not comfortable with this. "Which part don't you fucking understand that I still don't wanna talk?"

Cara takes a step forward, janking my arm and pushed me forward that I stumble badly, losing my balance that I'm about to fall into the pool. Lexy rushes ahead. I can feel her hands grabbing me just before I fall into the water. Although I can feel my right foot is already soaked with it, she still managed to catch me before I entirely fall.

"What the fuck are you doing, jerk ass?!" Lexy says in an obvious temper that I can see the irritation on her face. "You could have hurt her!" She props me back on my feet, dragging me two feet away from the pool carefully.

"Ah. I thought you've completely lost interest in Maeve. I'm fucking glad that you still care about her despite the ignoring you've been doing." Cara smiles in satisfaction with her arms crossed on her chest.

I watch Lexy, waiting for her reaction. She takes a step away from me. "I don't know what you're fucking doing, Cara, but quit it." A deep furrow on her brows appear when she speaks. "Just mind your own business. Go play with Brianna or something. For the last time I'm gonna tell you, don't fucking bother me." she turns around and starts walking. Again.

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