8. Drew

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The fact that I am together with Alexandra Blackwood is the only thing I enjoy right now. My dream has come true. I've been crushing on her for years. If you ask me what I like about her, I don't know. I would answer everything. Everything about her is just so lovely. I love every part of her, that's for sure.

I'm beyond happy that I finally made her to love me back. I know at some point she doesn't love me as much I do but that's alright. She's gonna need time. Cara has not been so happy with me lately because she feels uncomfortable knowing her friends are dating each other. Well, that's just what I thought. Knowing me has been staying at their loft and been sleeping in one room with Alex made it even worse for Cara. I think. I know she's not very happy but what can I do, Alex wants me there.

"Hey", Alex whispers. "What are you thinking?" She's sitting next to me. Her arm wraps around my neck while her fingers playing with my hair. "You're so fucking hot, did you not know that?"

"Baby," I say softly to her. "You've been saying that for weeks, now. Of course I know. But I'm sure I can't beat your ass for that. You're the sexiest human alive I've ever seen."

Our eyes split from each other when the elevator opens. Cara is home. "Uh," she fake a smile. I know from that smile of hers, she's irritated. "Glad you're not fucking", the usual tease comes out from her mouth. "Is anyone gonna make dinner?" She takes off her jacket and hang it on the stand.

Alex gets off from the couch. "So, what are we having for dinner? Anyone? The chef is cooking." Alex is the chef. If anything about meals, Alex is the right one. Cara barely cooks unless Alex is lazy. As long as I remember, Alex never miss the cooking since I've been staying here.

Cara remains silent. She goes straight to her room, shutting the door so loud that I get the hint she still doesn't like my presence here. I can't blame her because I know this must be hard for her too, accepting the fact that I am dating Alex now.

From the sound of her slammed door, I know deep down of my heart Cara doesn't like me very much. I bet she doesn't like me anymore. I know at some point she hates me but I keep convincing myself that she just can't accept the fact but I can't do that anymore. I can't convince myself enough because she knows what I did. And then suddenly my mind drifted to last night event...

"Yeah, because we both know you still have a boyfriend and Alex doesn't even know about it", she said when Alex wasn't around. "How can I not be pissed, Drew? You're playing her!"

"I do not have a boyfriend, Cara! If I still do, I wouldn't say yes to Alex when she was proposing!" We had a little fight last night. Cara was so mad at me that she and I both know we had to play it cool in front of Alex.

"Yeah? And now you're just telling me you had no boyfriend? Oh, oh, what if, you had a boyfriend, but then you dumped him after Alex made you her girlfriend?! It could be it, right?!" Yes she was right. I dumped him after that. "You should feel lucky that I still keep my fucking mouth shut for you."

"Hey, you wanna help me with this?" Alex wakes me up from the last night thoughts. "Are you okay, babe?" Her hand cups my cheeks, her eyes looking straight at mine. "You know, if there's something bothering you, I'm here Dr. Drew."

I let out a giggle. She sounds so cute when she calls me Dr. Drew. "You cut these veggies, and I'm gonna go ask Cara what she wants for dinner, okay? I won't be long."

I just nod. Alex steps away from me after she gives me a nice peck on my lips. Her footsteps then slowly fades. I take the knife and start cutting the veggies Alex has prepared for me. My mind then goes back to the thoughts I can't ignore.

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