Chapter Ten

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Maybe I should update my resume and put "jumping from one idiotic decision to another" a skill. Because seriously, how did I go from inviting Ashton Price over to talk to asking him to stay for a night? And how did I let my dumb brain take control and make stupid decisions that I'll regret later on? Oh God. Now I can't even sleep thinking there's only a pillow separating me from the rest of his body.

Oh come on, Harper. Quit acting like you don't want him here. You made the offer because contrary to what you want yourself to believe, Ashton Price isn't that bad. Sucks to admit, but his presence has made you forget that you had a shitty night.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This can't be happening.

The bed shifts and it puts me on alert. Ashton stretches an arm towards me and I instantly push him off the bed. I hear a yelp and the sound of ass hitting the floor. "Hey, what's that for?"

"You were rolling over to my side," I claim. Oh for Christ's sake, I told him not to go beyond the pillow.

"I was just trying to change my position so I won't strain my neck." In the dark, I can see him roll his eyes. He finds his way back to the bed and squeezes in beside me. "Know what, Harper, you have to learn to trust me."

The way he emphasized the word trust makes me gulp. "Sorry. It just makes me uncomfortable because it's been a while since I had a guy over...and you're not even my boyfriend."

"If it makes you uneasy, why did you let me stay?" He asks in a very serious tone, which makes my heart beat even faster.

Shoot. What will I say? I can't let Ashton know that I'm starting to crave for his presence. Because come on, we only had a real but not-so-deep conversation tonight and I'm already being such a softy towards him? He's a guy and guys fear commitment more than they fear ghosts. If I commit a mistake of telling him, he'd probably accuse me of planning to have babies with him. God!

"You were kind to me so I thought of saving your ass. Driving when you're sleepy is not a good idea. I don't want to blame myself when something happens to you."

"I'm glad that you let me sleep here, actually," He mutters. When I scoff, he adds, "Not for anything sexual, okay. It's just nice that you thought about my safety even if having me here makes you uncomfortable."

"What would you do if I did not ask you to stay?" I pry. For some reason, I want to know if Samantha is in his mind. Yeah, he said he'd go to his friends but still, I want to be sure.

"Chris is my top option. But knowing him, he's either asleep or having sex."

I roll my eyes even though he cannot see it. "Why do you always talk about sex?"

"I don't always talk about sex, Harper. It's just when you talk about Chris, the word sex comes to mind. You can't separate one from the other."

"So are you suggesting your friend is a manwhore?" I know Chris Jacobson is popular with the ladies, but I don't see him as the type who hooks up or sleeps around. He's responsible and a natural leader. But being a good student leader doesn't equate to becoming less of a player.

"We're good friends but the guy is a freaking sex nut. Better tell your friends to watch out...unless they're open to casual hookups. My buddy doesn't do relationships."

"Like you...." I leave that hanging.

"Believe it or not, Harper, I don't hit on every chick that shows interest in me. You have to give me more credit than that." Again, Ashton sounds offended.

"Okay. Sorry." I choke out. "You're Ashton Price so I assume you date or hookup with anyone because you can."

"I thought we already established that I'm not an asshole?"

"Well yeah, but—"

"I guess I have to work for your trust, Harper Silva," He teases softly. It's only the second time I heard him say my full name. "And you know what, challenge accepted."

"Whatever, Ashton."

"Whatever, with the capital W, Harper..."

"Did you just speak in—"

"Sssssh. Good night. Sweet dreams. See you in my dreams, babe," He murmurs before closing his eyes.

Taking a quick glance of his face, I purse my lips and wonder how the hell I will get myself out of this.

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