Chapter Six

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Going to Windosrville to look for Harper is probably one of the dumbest things I ever did. I do not even know what I'm doing here or what will I say when I see her. But there's this nagging feeling that makes me want to make sure that she came back in one piece. Not that I don't trust Chris, but he's a guy and Harper looked hot as fuck last night.

Jesus. I can't even get the image of her in her tight dress out of my head. If she dresses like that in class, every guy, even Riddel, will lose his mind.

"Hey, Ashton Price," a redhead calls my name. She looks familiar and I realize she's the friend Harper was with last night. She seems fine, so that means her friend is okay, too. "Are you looking for Harper?"

"Uh yeah. Is she here?"

"She left with Katrina earlier. They went to town. She will be back later though."

"Uh, do you know what time she will be back?"

"Actually, no. Why don't you message or call her?"

"I don't have her number," I admit, making the redhead laugh.

"Okay, I will do you a favor here," She tells me as she pulls her phone out from her pocket. She shows me Harper's number and asks me to copy it. Maybe going here is not a dumb idea after all.

"Thank you, pretty redhead friend of Harper," I tell her after saving Harper's number. I named her Harper Baby.

"If you're not hitting on my best friend, I'd say you're flirting with me." Her tone suggests that she's only joking. "I'm Judy, by the way, and please don't tell Harper that I gave you her number. She'll kill me."

"That's noted. Thanks again."

"No worries. Everything for my best friend," She says before leaving me in an empty hallway. For a weekend, this dormitory seems pretty quiet.

I stare at my phone, contemplating whether to send Harper a text message or not. Knowing how feisty she is, she can either reply to me in all caps or completely ignore me. Before I can change my mind, I type a message.

Me: Hi, it's Ashton. Sorry about last night.

Heck, what am I even sorry for? That my brother got drunk out of his wits and I had to leave her to my manwhore best friend? That I had to send Chris threatening messages to keep his junk out of her? That I want to see her in that skimpy dress again or even what's beneath it?

Fifteen seconds have passed and shit, there's still no response.

Me: It's a little cold outside. Hope u have your sweater with you.

What the fuck is happening to me? I am acting like a creepy guy who is on Craigslist looking for a prey to kill.

My phone chimes and I smile, thinking that it's Harper. But no. It's Samantha.

Her: Hi Ash! Just wondering if you're free tonight. My parents won't be around 'til tomorrow.

Samantha sending me a subtle invite for sex is enough reason for me to curse my shithole self for making her believe there's another chance. Things between us have ended months ago and I have no plan going back to where we left off. Samantha's great and the sex is, too, but she's better off without me.

Me: Sorry Sam but am busy. Family issues.

That's not entirely a lie though. Alexander and Adrian got into a messy fight last night and I had to face Jackson Price's wrath. Even if I'm pissed at Alex, I did not tell dad the truth. I know my brother cares for Emma and he would not want our dad scaring the shit out of the girl he loves.

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