Chapter 20

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Killian POV

The second I enter the store I spot our odd looking gang of misfits. Mei is pulling at Leo's arm while he shoves at a guy with a swollen cheek. My angel is talking to Clara and Lana is looking distractedly at the ceiling. I walk up to Lana and give her a nudge. "What the hell is going on?"

Rusty comes up beside me. "And what the hell were you doing?"

"I was counting the dots on the ceiling." Rusty and I exchange a glance. "What? I'm bored."

"Whatever." I leave Lana and Rusty and approach Leo, Mei, and Ben. As I get within earshot I start to understand what's happening.

"If you'd just leave us the fuck alone, we wouldn't be having this problem." Leo insists , while Mei yanks uselessly on his arm.

"I was just talking to them. No need to get your panties in a twist." Ben says.

"Yeah Leo, untwist your panties so we can all leave!" Mei yells.

"No, he yanked Clara and then patronized Agnes, he's a prick!" Leo says indignantly as he turns to face Mei.

"Oh no! He patronized someone! Lana call the cops!" She says sarcastically.

"Huh? Do what now?" Lana yells over to us.

"Nothing! Can we all just leave please?" Mei begs us.

Damian has been beside me this whole time and he looks plenty pissed. He now moves toward Ben. "Did you fucking touch Clara?" He asks calmly.

"I didn't fucking hit her so can you all just calm down." He says as he runs his hand through his hand.

Damian grabs him by the shirt. "Tell me how you know her."

"She lives with my Uncle. I have three cousins; Levi, Ian and Kelly. Kelly called me not too long ago and said that her dad had "adopted," some teenagers." He explains.

"Why the air quotes around adopted?" I ask, coming to stand beside Damian.

"He bought them." He deadpans. 

"Come again?" Damian asks.

"Their father sold them for drug money. My uncle is forcibly recruiting the three guys, and he's forcing Clara to marry my cousin Ian."

Damian is shaking with rage now. This isn't good. I'm going to have to talk to the club. See if there's anything they can do to help these people.

"You sick fuck." Damian hits the guy across the face a few times until I yank him backwards. His face is red. He says nothing as he walks over to Ben again. 

Ben puts his hands up in surrender. " Dude, I swear, I'm trying to help her!" He insists. "You think I want that to happen to her?" Damian says nothing again. He suddenly turns and stalks away. He pulls Clara to the side and starts talking lowly.

I turn back to Ben. "How do we know we can trust you?"

He shrugs. "You don't. But I could use some help getting them out. I have something to offer in return as well."

"What's that?" I ask.

"I can tell you what the Demon's Blood is planning for your girl over there." He says, gesturing to Agnes, who's currently trying to keep Mei from killing Leo.

I don't say anything. He could be lying to me. I make a decision. He can help. And we'll help him help Clara. But he's not getting anywhere near Agnes.  I offer him my hand and he grips it firmly. We nod at each other in understanding, and exchange phone numbers before he disappears. I walk over to Agnes and kiss her on the top of her head. She looks up at me and smiles gently. "Got everything settled?"

I nod. "I'll explain things later."

She nods and addresses the group as a whole. "Ready to go everyone?" Words of assent sound through the group, and we begin to move out of the store. Damian takes Clara's hand and pulls her into his side as they walk. I see her relax, and for the first time, a genuine smile graces her face. I turn and takes Agnes's hand as well. She smiles brightly at me.  What the fuck did I do to deserve this sweet angel?

Agnes POV

The music in here will never not be too loud. The floor is probably sticky, there are semi-nude women around, and the smell of alcohol invades my senses. But this room is full of people who love me, and care about me more than my own parents ever did. I'm currently seated on Killian's lap on a seat in front of the bar. Damian has been drinking like crazy since we got back. He got back a bit later than the rest of us did. When we got to the parking lot he insisted Clara ride on the back of his bike. I expected her to protest, but after a moment of contemplation she agreed. I look up at Killian. "Why is Damian drinking so much?"

He sighs. "Because angel, he had to take Clara back to that damn house. He's scared for her."

Oh. Killian told me about poor Clara's predicament. She doesn't know that we all know though. I've decided that we'll talk to her about it later. I yawn absentmindedly. "You tired angel baby?" Killian murmurs softly.

I nod, and he stands and lifts me into his arms. I don't notice much as he carries me upstairs. I feel the soft mattress underneath me, and feel Killian lean down next to my ear. "Is it alright if I change you into your pajamas? I won't look, I promise." I nod my head. After I'm changed, Killian hops into bed beside me, and pulls me close to him. I'm tired, and there's a reason you shouldn't talk to people when you're tired. You don't have the energy to care that they know what you're telling them. "I don't hate them you know."

"Don't hate who baby?" He asks me softly.

"My parents." I reply.

He's silent for a moment. "That's one of the many reasons I love you." He whispers, kissing my head.

My breath hitches in my throat. I look up at him. "What?"

"I love you." He says again.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes. One drops onto his bare chest. He immediately sits up against the headboard and pulls me up into his chest. "Angel what's wrong?"

I sniff. "I love you too."

He lets out a small chuckle. "Then why are you crying angel?"

I'm at a loss for words for a moment. Why am I crying? He loves me, and I love him. Scratch that, I'm in love with him.  "Because I don't think anyone's ever loved me as much as you do." I say finally.

He's silent for so long I start to drift off. "I'm sorry." He says suddenly.

"For what?" I ask. What could he possibly be sorry for?

"I'm sorry your parents were too stupid to be able to love anyone but themselves, and I'm sorry they were so oblivious to the little miracle they created." I let a smile take form on my lips. Silent drops of words unsaid roll down my face. They're words I can't say. They're full of hate. Full of loathing. Of anguish. They're words of a child unloved. But I am loved. I'm so loved. That feels nice to say. I'm loved.


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