Chapter 11

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Agnes POV

I hate gym class. The girls complain about sweating. The boys show off during every activity. And the teacher keeps staring at the girl's butts. What a creep.

Then of course there's me who's just sitting on the sidelines watching my classmates attempt to play what I can only assume is supposed to be volleyball. I'm still not supposed to participate in things that require extreme physical exertion. Not that I'm complaining.

Mr. Carson is probably about twenty-five and has gelled up blonde hair. He looks unnaturally attractive, which sounds weird. Something about him is He's never been anything but nice to me though, so maybe I'm being a bit harsh.

Lucas is in this class and he doesn't appear to the best at volleyball. He tends to hit the ball too hard and ends up spiking it every time. 

Finally, Mr. Carson dismisses us to the locker rooms. Once inside, I grab my clothes and walk to one of the bathroom stalls. I hate changing in front of other people. It makes me feel self-conscious. As I'm putting my top back on, I notice small feet in the stall next to me. They're not in a normal position though. The girl's knees are on the floor, and I hear sniffling sounding from the other side. I slowly exit my stall and approach the door of her's. I knock softly. "Are you alright?"

The sniffles cease immediately, and out walks maybe the smallest girl I've ever seen in a high school. She has a pale, petite face, with a button nose and freckles. Her eyes are a pretty green with some grey. Her hair is an auburn waterfall of curls. She fiddles with the sleeve of her white sweater and avoids my gaze.

"I-I'm okay......I'm really sorry!" Her voice is soft and high. She quickly scurries past me and begins washing her hands at the sink.

I cock my head. "Sorry for what? " 

She turns as she dries her small hands. "Sorry for b-bothering y-you." Her face is pink as she practically runs past me and out of the locker room. I shrug my shoulders and carry on to my next class. Only then do I realize that I never got her name. I should try to find her later. I hope she's alright. She seemed sad and terrified.

Killian's POV

The guy in front of me hits the pavement with a sickening thud. 

"I'm gonna ask you one last time; What do they know?"

The little shit peers up at me and grins. "Go fuck yourself."

I roll my eyes and turn as Bruiser loads his gun.

I didn't intend to spend my evening beating the shit out of people, but if it's to protect my angel, I'll gladly do it. This cocky bastard thinks I'm screwing around. "You know you can't hide her forever!" This punk is two seconds from Bruiser blowing his brains out. 

I turn and aim my own gun at his forehead. "Okay you little bitch. Tell me what you know, or I'll put an end to your miserable existence. His face pales and loses all humor. The kid looks like he's fifteen. Odds are he thought this was all shits and giggles. I'm not going to kill the kid. But he doesn't need to know that.

"O-okay man don't shoot! Look I don't know anything! They just want her as leverage for territory. Drugs run a higher profit in your area. They need new customers." I nod my head. I expected this answer.

"Alright get the hell out of here before I kill you." He bolts out of the alley, and I make my way out of the opposite end. Damian is leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette.

"What'd he know?" He asks, putting out his cigarette.

"Fucking nothing." I don't say anything more. I don't need to.

"We'll protect her. Don't worry." We push off the brick wall and head towards our bikes. Tonight was interesting, but nothing I didn't expect.

"You really want to go home yet?" Damian asks. I look over at him and work my jaw. "No."

Agnes POV

Killian and Damian left for a while today. It's currently two in the morning, and they left at nine. I'm laying in bed, but I'm too worried to sleep. I roll over and bury my face in Killian's pillow. His masculine scent surrounds and comforts me. I hear the door open, and heavy footsteps approach the bed.

I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. A warm hand brushes across my back. "Goodnight angel." I hear him walk away, and I exhale for the first time since the door opened. After a moment, he settles into bed beside me. He wraps an arm around me and brings me into his chest. 

His lips brush against my ear, causing me to squirm against him. He chuckles at this. "Hey angel." I look up at him through squinted eyes, still playing up the part of having just woken up. "I wanna sleep" I let my head hit the pillow for dramatic effect.

He laughs out loud this time. "Okay angel."

I snuggle into the pillow once again. It's maybe twenty minutes of unrest before I hear him again. "I know you can't hear me, but I'm sorry I was gone so long tonight." 

"It's okay." He runs his large hand over my shoulder.

He leans down to my ear again. "So how much did you miss me?" I attempt to wiggle away, but his grip only tightens.

"Um....a lot?" I manage to squeak out.

"Hmm....." He hums.

He suddenly flips me to face him. "I missed you too."

I already know I'm blushing. Luckily the room is dark. He suddenly leans in closer to me. "You have a funny way of showing someone you missed them."

I cock my head. "How can I show it?"

I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Well angel, here's how I show it."

Then time stood still just for me. He brushed his thumb over my jaw, leaving little sparks there. I met his vibrant green eyes that now glinted with mischief in the soft moonlight streaming in through the window.

Then, he kissed me. 


Hope you enjoyed :)

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