Chapter 17

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Killian POV

My jaw is throbbing. That's because the moment the door to the room church is held in was shut, Blade expressed through his fists how he felt about me kissing his daughter. The table of men before me stare as though we've never met. No special treatment here. I knew what I was doing when I kissed her, and now I'll face the consequences. 

"Tell me. Are you using Agnes?" There's a dangerous undertone in the words Blade speaks. I can tell just from hearing him speak that he'll have no problem putting me six feet under if need be.

"No sir." I answer honestly.

"Do you swear to keep her safe?"

"Yes sir."

He stare at me for a few moments. He then shares a look with my dad. Before I have the time to process anything, there's a gun at my head. "I could kill you. Right now. And I will kill you if you hurt Agnes. Got that you son of a bitch?" Blade speaks with a deadly calm.

"Yes sir." I grit out.

He removes the gun and offers me his hand. I shake his hand firmly while keeping eye contact. "Congrats then. But I expect a ring on her finger before there's a grandchild in her womb." He says seriously.

"Yes sir." I say, a smile taking over my face. He smiles back, and it reaches his eyes.

Agnes POV

I pace around the field behind the clubhouse while Kansas wanders aimlessly behind me. "I still think you're overreacting." Lana tells me as she stretches out on the grass.

"I am not overreacting!" I shout indignantly. "If he answers even one question wrong, Blade will bury him!" Kansas lets out a whine. Me too dude.

The door swings open and I basically run Kansas over to get to the person. "Killian?" I half shout at the person. It's just Leo though. "Oh."

"Oh?" He says arching an eyebrow. ""Ouch. I feel so welcome."

"Shut up asshole you'll live." Lana says from the ground.

The two begin bickering but I'm not listening. I hear something else. The rumble of a truck in the distance. I begin to walk around to the front of the clubhouse that faces the road. I round the bend just in time to see a shiny dark blue truck pull up. It parks perfectly, and then the engine shuts off. The driver hops out, and doesn't even have time to look up before I've attached myself to her waist. "Nice to see you too Agnes." Mei giggles.

Mei Stetson. She's the granddaughter of Breezy Stetson, the social worker who works with the club. Mei is the most in control and organized person I've ever met. She's about 5'7 and has fluffy black hair that's always in some kid of intricate braid. Her eyes were dark, and her clothes were always wrinkle-free and a perfect fit. She was insanely intelligent too. Her specialty was science, but Breezy wanted her to go into law.

"I missed you." I say as I hug her harder. It's been about 2 years since she came to visit. Her grandmother was alright with her visiting the club, but her parents were scared she was going to fall for a biker. 

"Well, I've been extremely busy. With schoolwork and whatnot." She trails off.

"Well, regardless it's awesome to see you!" I hear footsteps from behind us. 

"Doth my eyes deceive me? Is that little Mei I see?" Leo's teasing voice calls over.

I release Mei and glance over at Leo. Last time she was here she was sixteen. She had looked a lot like a child though. Now she looked like a woman who was ready to conquer the world. Leo's eyes trail her body. Mei rolls her eyes. "Don't say it."

Leo's face splits into a grin. "Mei the machine."

She scoffs. "I see you haven't changed a bit." He says, stepping closer to her. She leans back slightly.

"And I see that you still don't know what a shower is." She gestures to the dirt that's in his hair. He starts laughing while still walking towards her. 

This time Mei doesn't move when he comes to stand directly in front of her. He's taller than her by a few inches. "Why don't you show me then, hm?"

I take that as my cue to skeedaddle on out of there. I turn and walk back to the back entrance of the clubhouse. Lana and Rusty are playing fetch with Kansas and talking quietly. I slip around them easily and walk into the bar. Eve is sitting at the bar as she talks to Dahlia. The two look over at me when I walk in.

"Hey, sweetheart. What's the matter?" Eve says, immediately the concerned mom.

"Yeah, you look a little pale." Dahlia adds.

"The guys are interrogating Killian." I say nervously

Eve laughs. "Don't worry sweetheart. We all saw this coming from miles away. They won't go too hard on him."

I nod, but I'm still nervous. "So you two are a thing now huh?" Dahlia asks as she leans on the counter.

"Um yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend." I say.

"Damn girl, you got yourself one fine man there. You'll have to let me know if he's as good in bed as he looks like he is." She says winking suggestively. I feel my face get red, and I widen my eyes. Dahlia and Eve laugh again, and Dahlia places a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry kid, I'm fucking with you." I nod my head, but really I feel very awkward. Would Killian expect me to make love to him right away? Oh dear.

"Alright let's stop joking about wanting to do Agnes's boyfriend." Lana says as she comes to stand beside me.

Dahlia gets a hooded look to her eyes as she laughs. "Truth be told," She says as she starts playing with a lock of my hair. "I'd rather do Agnes herself." I snap my head around to look at her and she simply winks at me and walks away with her confident, seductive gait.

At a loss for words I turn to Lana who seems to understand better than I do. "Well that was unexpected, yet entertaining." Lana shrugs before walking over to the bar. I finally snap out of my stupor and realize that there's an arm around my waist. I turn around and come face to face with the very person I've been so worried about. There's a red mark on his jaw and a smirk on his lips that promises things I can't even fathom. The best thing is that he's not dead.

"How bad was it?" I ask tentatively.

He smiles. "Not too bad. Could have been a hell of a lot worse." I let myself smile and kiss his cheek. He sucks in a breath. His hand rubs up and down my back. A thought suddenly comes to my mind.

"Oh! Mei is here by the way. I forgot to ask how long she's staying though." I tell him.

He nods his head. "I just saw Leo. He said she's here for two weeks for a research project for one of her classes."

I smile even bigger. "That's awesome! I can't wait to introduce her to Clara."

"Who's Clara?" He asks.

"That girl who took a hit for me. I spoke with her, and she and her family moved here from Ohio. Also her name is Clara, but I said that already."

He chuckles. "Okay, clearly you're tired so let's get you to bed baby." I nod and just enjoy the warmth radiating off of my boyfriend. My boyfriend. I like the sound of that.


How am I doing so far? 

Hope you enjoyed <3

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