Chapter 15

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Agnes POV

There's heavy pressure on my waist, and it constricts when I turn. But the real pressure is in my bladder. Translation: I have to pee. I squirm around, and feel the arm around my waist tighten again. "Stop moving." I let out a whine.

"Killian I have to pee!" I say as I turn to face him. His eyes are still closed and his face looks peaceful. The sun isn't up yet, so I glance at the clock. It reads 6:32 am. Killian lets out a groan and reluctantly pulls his arms off of me. I smile and kiss his cheek. A small smile appears on his face.

As I'm getting ready for school, I think through what happened last night. Killian knows I like him. Killian likes me. I can't believe this is happening. I feel stupid for not realizing he liked me too. Come to think of it, that makes a lot of sense.


Killian and I were watching The Sandlot. He showed it to me once, and I was hooked for weeks after. We were lying on the floor with me on my stomach, and him sitting next to me rubbing my back. I let out a sigh of content at what I saw on the screen. At 6 years old I may not have known much, but I knew one thing; Benny Rodriguez was cute.

Killian nudged me, and I looked up at him. He arched an eyebrow as though to ask what the sigh was all about. I giggled and sat up to grab my juice box that was sitting on the end table of Killian's living room. 

"I think I want to marry Benny!" I said while giggling. I put down my juice box and looked over at Killian. He looked much grumpier than before. 

I frowned and crawled over to sit next to him. Once beside him, he glanced at me. "What's the matter?" He said nothing, just pulled me to sit much closer to him. He rested his chin on my head, and wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you sad?" I asked him. He just nodded. With this information, I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. 


I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I hear Killian calling my name. I head out of the room and downstairs. Killian, Damian, Leo, Rusty, and Lana are all waiting for me. Killian motions for us to all head out to the truck. I'm sitting next to Damian when he nudges my arm.

"Hey, do you know what that girl from yesterday's name is?" He asks while avoiding eye contact. I think someone has a crush.

"No, I'm sorry. I'll let you know if I figure it out though." He nods, but looks disappointed. I let my mind wander to various topics as the scenery flies past me.

All too soon, we're in school. I say goodbye to everyone and slip my hand into Killian's waiting one. I stick close to his side, feeling comfort from his warmth in the crowded hallway.

When we get to my classroom, he leans down. "Have a good day angel." He whispers in my ear. I feel myself blush as I nod my head. He kisses my cheek and goes on his way.

The day flies by until once again I find myself in gym class. I'm getting changed when I hear sounds from two stalls to my left. I pause and listen. Sniffling. Choking sounds. Coughing. Crying. Soft whimpers. I exit my stall as quietly as I can, and start to walk over to the stall. I see the soles of someone's shoes. The person is on their knees, facing the toilet. I hear more odd choking sounds and small coughs. Then it sounds like something hits the water.  I feel my heart just about break in two. I'm not sure what exactly I'm hearing, but I get the feeling it's not good.

I tentatively knock on the door. All noises on the other side stop. "Who's there?" Comes a soft voice.

"My name is Agnes. Are you alright in there?" I say.

There isn't an answer for a few moments. "N-no I'm o-okay. Thank you t-though." I can hear the tears in her shaking voice. 

I have no idea what to do. You can't help someone who doesn't want help. "Um, okay. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help."

I don't hear anything else, so I exit the locker rooms. The only thing I can't shake, is the feeling that I know exactly who was on the other side of that door. Gym class flies by even quicker than the rest of the day. I'm already finished changing, but I'm waiting until I see that girl again. I need to know her name and make sure she's okay. 

Finally, I hear soft footsteps coming my way. The girl rounds the corner and emits a squeak upon seeing me. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" I say as I lay a hand on her shoulder.

She takes deep breaths, and that's when I notice how red her face is. There are slight tear tracks on her cheeks as well. "It's a-alright. You didn't m-mean to." She looks up and gives me a tiny smile.

"Oh! I'm Agnes by the way." I add hastily.

Her face pales slightly. "I'm C-Clara."

I smile widely. "Like from The Nutcracker!"

She smiles a bit bigger. "Exactly."

I finally notice the bruise that's now made a home on her face. Looking at it makes me want to cry. She did that for me."I wanted to make sure you were alright from yesterday." I say shyly.

She raises her eyebrows and blushes. "O-Oh, yeah I'm a-alright. That guy was a jerk." She says as we start to exit the gym.


As we're walking a thought comes to me. "Hey, are you new this year?"

She looks surprised at my question. "Yeah, actually. I moved here with my family over the summer." I then fully notice her dark hair, and features similar to that of someone else who's new this year.

"You wouldn't happen to know a Lucas would you?" I ask curiously.

She giggles, and it's a sweet sound. "Yeah, he's my older brother. Bet he already hit on you, huh?"

I laugh out loud at this one. "Nope, but that was probably because I was surrounded by a bunch of big bikers."

She eyes widen at this. "Are those the guys who were with you yesterday?"

I nod my head. "Yeah. Everyone's scared of them, but they practically raised me."

She smiles slightly. "That sounds nice."

"Yeah, they're really great people once you get to know them," I say. Then I remember they're waiting for me outside. "Oh! You should come meet them!"

I see her start to shake a little bit. "M-maybe another t-time. I h-have to g-get home." 

My heart sinks a little. "Oh, alright. Have a good day then!"

I say as we begin to part ways. "Thank y-you. It w-was nice m-meeting you." She says with a small, sweet smile. I wave goodbye to her, and as I walk up to my group of friends, I don't miss how Damian's eyes follow after the tiny girl walking away.


What do you think of Clara?

Are Killian and Agnes ever going to actually have a discussion about them? (Yes.)

Thanks for reading! Don't be afraid to comment.

Hope you enjoyed <3

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