Chapter 20 - Haven't We Already Covered This?

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Chapter 20 - Haven't We Already Covered This?

When I got home, I decided to text Kelly before I even dismounted my bike. I should probably have played it cool, but that's just not me. I would rather have Kelly like me for who I really am, and that's an overly sentimental introvert.

Me: Thanks again for the amazing lunch. I still can't believe you did all of that for me. 

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: My pleasure! I'm glad you liked it! 

Me: It's going to be hard pretending you're just another one of Kristy's friends tomorrow. I'm going to have to practice playing it cool around you.

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: You've really never checked out any of Kristy's friends before?

Me: Heck no! You're the first. 😊

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: Not even Shogun? She's pretty ripped. 💪

Me: Nope. Wait, are YOU checking out Shogun!?🤔

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: lol NO! Why would I check her out when you're around? 😍

Me: That's good. I'm not sure I could kick her butt. 🍑

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: lmao! You don't have to kick any butts for me!

Me: CU tomorrow.

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: Can't wait! 😘

I started to wonder if I was making up for years of not dating by going through a silly/flirty phase. Surely seniors weren't supposed to be as childish as I was when I interacted with Kelly. Maybe my dating skills were stunted. If they were, at least Kelly seemed to think they were okay. That was the important thing, right?

I left my bike and went inside. On my way up to my room, my mom let me know she wanted to have a family dinner and movie night since we hadn't seen much of each other lately. That actually sounded relaxing, and I heartily agreed. I spent the few hours until dinner practicing my bass.


"Dinner's ready!" My mom called.

Kristy and I came out of our rooms about the same time, and she gave me a look that let me know she was excited to hear about my bike ride/picnic. I gave her a smile and vigorous head nod, then I gave her a side hug as we went down the stairs and entered the kitchen. I said, "Thanks again, Sis."

"Thanks for what?" my mom asked.

I wasn't sure how to answer her since I didn't want to drop any clues as to who I was dating. Kelly probably wouldn't have minded if I told my parents, but we hadn't talked about it yet, and I didn't want to assume. When I told my parents I had a date they didn't ask for many details, so I didn't offer any. Sooner or later, they would probably want some more information. At least, I assumed they would. I decided a little couldn't hurt. Besides, I really wanted to talk about it.

"Um, Kristy is actually the one who introduced me to the girl I went out with. I was thanking her for that. We had a great picnic this afternoon." I was excited to be talking about my date to my parents. It was something new to me. I always got to hear them debrief Kristy about her dates to dances and stuff, so I sort of felt like this was my turn. Kristy seemed happy, too, judging by the big smile on her face.

My dad had just gotten done setting the table and had taken his seat. He looked up at Kristy and me. "I thought your...'date' was last night."

Why did he say 'date' like that?

"Yeah, we went out last night, but I took her for a bike ride to Mill Falls today and we had a picnic. It was really cute. She actually packed an all vegan meal." I felt like I was blushing, but I didn't care. I was happy!

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