Chapter 8 - What Kind Of Girl Do You Think I Am?

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Chapter 8 - What Kind Of Girl Do You Think I Am?

True to her word, Kristy invited Kelly to hang out the next day. I busied myself all morning and afternoon helping with chores. I mowed the lawn, washed windows, etc., managing to successfully avoid the girls. Kristy and Kelly seemed content to hang out by the pool or in her room. They didn't even attempt to talk to me until nearly three o'clock.

"Hey Ani," I heard my sister as they approached. I had just changed the oil in my motorcycle, and was giving it a good bath in the driveway. I was currently sitting down so I could reach the underside better.

"Yeah?" I responded, looking up. They were both still in their swimsuits, and I tried not to linger on Kelly, but failed.

"We were wondering if you could take us to Mill Falls. With all the rain yesterday it probably looks really cool," Kristy said.

"Sorry, but not today. I have to get ready to go to Tara's. She leaves for college in a few days, so there's a get together for her."

"Family get together or actual party?" I got the feeling she was trying to keep me talking.

"Both. Barbecue with family, then a party at one of her friend's."

"Which friend?"

"Not sure. Never met her. Someone she knows from college that's moving into the area to do some sort of medical internship."

The girls looked at each other like what I had just said was scary or disturbing.

"Coach Fergusson?" Kristy asked.

"Who's Coach Fergusson?"

"A new assistant coach for the volleyball team. She's staying with family up here to do an internship at the hospital. It's gotta be her."

"Maybe. That'll be weird. I don't want to go to a party with someone who works at the school. It would be like trying to relax at a party at a teacher's house."

They looked at each other again with that worried look.

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"No," they said in unison.

"Girls are so freaking weird," I thought. "It almost makes me wish I was straight...almost."

Kristy looked back and forth between Kelly and me for a moment. I thought the conversation had died, and the girls would go back to whatever they had been doing, but instead, Kristy got a frustrated look on her face and rolled her eyes.

"You two need to talk this out," she declared. "Today." Kelly looked mortified. Kristy turned to her, "Come find me when you're done."

With that, she walked into the garage and disappeared through the door to the house. I'm pretty sure both Kelly and I looked like deer in headlights.

There was a long moment of awkward silence, then we both started at the same time.



We chuckled, which broke the tension a little.

"Let me start," I said. "I owe you an apology." I stood up and brushed the dirt off of my butt and thighs.

"No-" I held up a hand to cut her off. I had been thinking about this a lot, and I wanted to get it out.

"I do. Look, I know this makes me sound sort of lame, but I really don't care anymore. I just need to be honest. Apparently I'm not emotionally mature enough to handle seeing someone who's still playing the field. One night of...amazing kissing, and I acted like I planted a flag on you and claimed you as my own or something. I got jealous that you were going out with Timmy. If you want to see someone, I have no right to be mad at you. I'm just...not the kind of person that can be so casual, I guess. Not that I'm saying you shouldn't be! I just...I don't know. Anyway, I'm sorry I was such a butt hole."

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