Chapter 10 - Down on a Muffin

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Chapter 10 - Down on a Muffin

Kala and I meandered through the party looking for Tara. It had picked up a little steam, and the crowd was getting rowdier. The change Kala made to the music in her room apparently affected every speaker in the house, because the techno/rap stuff was gone, and older rock was pumping out of the speakers. I felt flattered that Kala had basically given me the choice of music for her party, but I hoped she didn't think that was all I listened to.

"...and I can never unsee that!" Kala laughed. She was filling me in on some of Tara's more embarrassing moments at college during the last year as we roamed around. "Did you know she has a birthmark on her ass?"

"Of course." Kala raised her eyebrows at me.

"No! Stop thinking...whatever you're thinking! We've been friends since I was in middle school. I've seen her change in the locker room and at sleepovers a hundred times."

"Come on, you've never thought about Tara? I mean, she's pretty cute."

"Honestly? No. I mean, yes she's cute, but I couldn't think of Tara that way. Wait, did you try to get with Tara?" The alcohol was making my volume increase. Kala looked embarrassed. Not about my volume, but about trying to hook up with Tara.

She defended herself. "What? I was feeling really bad about my break up, I was lonely, we were drunk...Oh my god, do you think I'm a horrible person now?"

"Of course not! So did you know?"

"No." She said, disgusted. "She's straight as an arrow, that girl."

"Wow," I said, shaking my head.


"I guess, I don't know, I've never been one that could just...hook up, you know? I'm not judging you, honest! I just don't think I have it in me. Maybe I'm not confident enough or something, but my comfort level has to be pretty high before my mind goes there. I mean, before I really consider it. Of course my mind goes there for fun."

I couldn't help myself. I realized I was looking her up and down after I said that. As I brought my gaze up to eye level, I noticed Kala grinning at me with a blush that showed through her dark skin tone. My eyes grew wide and my face shot straight forward so I wasn't looking at her.

I heard her give that snorting laugh again. "I can see why Tara talks about you all the time. You're the biggest sweetheart!" She gave me a side hug. "So you've never just got caught up in the moment, and let something happen?"

I thought of Kelly. Was it just this afternoon that we finally resolved our misunderstanding? It felt like ten years ago. I started wondering what she was up to now, and if she was upset that I'd told her we should just be friends. Then Kristy's words came back to me, about thinking Kelly was worth the risk.

"Hey," Kala said beside me.


"Where'd you go? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill the mood."

"You're good. I just...recently moved too fast with someone. It got...stupid."

Kala stopped walking and turned me towards her. She put her arms over my shoulders as if we were slow dancing. Her smile was honest and contagious.

"Well forget about stupid things. I think we're having fun right here and now. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

She covered her mouth and started laughing about something.

"What?" I asked.

"In our case, a bush in the hand is worth two...somewhere else!"

"Oh god!" I rolled my eyes, but joined her in laughing. I'm pretty sure the bad eighth grade humor was only funny because we were both tipsy, but it felt good to be silly after three weeks of tension.

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