Chapter 13 - My Little Problem

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Chapter 13 - My Little Problem

Later, when everyone was starting to leave, I walked Kala around the front of the house.

"Thanks again for being my sounding board, Kala. I feel so stupid talking to you about my problems. It's like I have a senior brain and body, but the relationship skills of a middle schooler. I'm glad you don't judge me. At least, not outwardly."

Kala had taken my hand as we walked across the front yard.

"You make yourself sound so pathetic. Do you have any idea how nice it is to talk to someone who isn't jaded? I think you're confusing how much you actually think about feelings with emotional immaturity. I tried to deal with my breakup by hitting on Tara, my ridiculously straight friend. Does that scream emotional development to you?"


"Rhetorical question. No talking. It's my turn. Listen to me, Analee. Don't try to change yourself by imitating people who bed hop to feel loved, or just stop caring about romance and settle for comfortable relationships."

I felt like my problems should seem petty to her, but she was talking like this was very important. She made me feel important.

She pulled me into a tight hug that lasted a long time. It was like we were snuggling vertically. I could honestly say that besides Tara, Kala was my only friend that didn't make this much touching seem awkward.

"Thanks, Kala."

"Don't mention it, Cuddles."

I pulled back.

"What did you call me?"

"Cuddles. You know, like cuddle buddy? After Saturday night?"

It was a somewhat new experience for me to be friends with someone who didn't know everything about my history. Kala returned my smile, but looked confused. "What's so funny?"

I decided it was nice having Kala see me as who I am now, instead of who I always was. "It's a story for another time."

"I can't wait to hear it."

"I'll see you tomorrow after school. I was going to stay and use the workout room since I have to wait for Kristy to get done with practice anyway."

"I look forward to it." She walked across the street to a very nice Mercedes that must have either been her uncle's or a gift from him.

"You look amazing in that dress, by the way."

"Thanks," she said, turning back with a devilish grin. She got in her car, and drove away.

When I turned to walk back, I saw Kristy and Kelly waiting for me by the garage. Tension came rushing back, replacing the warm glow of friendship. I refused to look timid, though, and prepared myself to walk right past them.

Then I sighed inwardly at how petty that was. Being the bigger person didn't mean being more stubborn. I stopped in front of them and raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Hey Ani, um, Kelly is going to spend the night since her grandparents aren't going to be back in town until tomorrow, and she needs someone to drive her home to get her stuff. Can you?"

I felt a little put out by this. Okay, a lot put out, but I would look really petty if I said no. Besides, I was bound and determined to let them know they could ignore me all they wanted, I wasn't going to let it affect me.

"Whatever. Just let me grab my keys."

By the time I got back to the garage, Kelly was in my front passenger seat and Kristy was nowhere to be seen. It seemed weird that she wouldn't give Kristy the front seat.

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