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       Brandon's point of view

Today's Alices birthday and I don't know what to do. I'm in so much fucking pain. Her dad called me about a week ago asking for her address. I asked how he got my number then he told me he knew my father from back in the day so It wasn't hard to find. I told him where she lived then warned him that I'd kill him if anything happend to her. I was also pissed that she told me her and Chad had sex. I knew it was a lie but still. I needed to smoke so I decided to go to the lake. When I got to the lake I saw shoes Alices shoes to be exact. As soon as I looked at them I saw a note and my heart dropped. It was a suicide note. I ran to her house as fast as possible and without knocking I ran in.

"Aliceion" I yelled while running up the stairs

I ran into her room and saw her leaning on her bed facing the other way

"Aliceion" I said when I saw her

When she looked at me her eyes were glossy and she was pale

"Brandon" she said with a smile then fell to the floor dropping the pill bottle

"No no no" I yelled then picked her up and brought her into the bathroom

I stuck two fingers down her throat and she began to throw up

"Nanny" I yelled and her nanny ran into the room

"Call 911" I said

She looked confused

"Just do it" I yelled

Aliceion kept throwing up then Nanny came back into the room and said

"Ambulance is on its way"

3 Minutes later Alice was being put into an abulance and going to the hospital

"Why did this happen again" her mom cried
As the ambulance drove off

Her mom and dad heard all the noise and woke up to see their daughter being put into an ambulance and going to the hospital because she tried to kill her self again

"Again" I thought to myself

I went home and jumped into my truck then headed to the hospital

Why would she do this? I don't get it. Everything was fine then it all went to shit. I love her and I know exactly how this ends. This is exactly what happend between my mom and dad. She killed herself and we were alone. I'll go to the hospital and they'll tell me the person I love most in the world is dead. I guess history is just repeating itself.

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