The trip

18 3 0

It was finally time for the Disney trip and I couldn't be more ready. For the next 7 days I would be a child again. The only thing I wasn't looking forward to was the plane ride. Luckily i got to sit in the back right next to the window where only one seat was next to me and like I was praying Brandon sat next to me. It's not that I didn't want to talk to Chad he just had a tendency to complain for no damn reason and I didn't wanna hear it.

"What the hell are you doing" Chad asked Brandon

"Sitting what are you doing" Brandon asked

"That's my seat" Chad snapped

"I don't see your name on it" Brandon said

"Well move" he barked

"How about no" Brandon said rolling his eyes

"Aliceion" Chad said

"Chad just go sit in the front my head hurts" I said

"Fine but this won't happen on the ride home you prick" Chad barked at Brandon

"Okay Prince Charming" Brandon said with a snort

When Chad was far enough away we busted out laughing like normal. The plan ride was so fun. I beat Brandon in 8ball 6 times and I found out his middle name is norbit. I could already tell this trip was going to be great

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