We are in jail !

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The next few seconds were a blur. All I can remember is Aaliyah screaming as I punched her in the face and I could hear Brandon's fist hitting Chads face. I remember Brandon cursing then I felt someone grab me. Once I was back in reality I realized it was two officers. They walked Brandon and I into a small room with one cell then shut it and left.

"Omg omg omg Brandon" I yelled

"Relax Alice" was all he sad

"Relax BRANDON WE'RE IN JAIL" I screamed

"Would you chill it's not even jail it's just Disney land security" he said then sat down

"What if they call the real police and they book us for assault" I yelled

" Alice it's going to be okay" he said then told me to sit

About an hour passed by before our teacher came in and told us

"Since you two have no idea how to behave you need to go back home and honestly you two are lucky I got you out of this and you don't have to spend the night in jail" she said

They let us out then told us to pack our bags.

"Brandon what are we supposed to do" I asked then started to cry

"Don't cry Alice we can get on a bus" he said putting his arm around me

"Did you say bus" I asked horrified

"Yes" he replied then started walking

And from that point on I knew the next 39 hours that it takes to get back to Pennsylvania would be very interesting.

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