Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"What's going on?" Caleb barks loudly and pure terror sparks inside me. I'm genuinely terrified right now.

"Uh, I um, uh..." I trail off, not knowing what in the world could explain what Aaron and I were doing about twenty seconds before.

"Guys," Aaron stands up faster than lightening.

"What are you guys doing here?" I say loudly.

"We were going to ask if you wanted to come with us for food," Toby says, his voice is loud.

"I can't believe this right now," Azul turns his head away from us, able to face us.

They all look furious and borderline disgusting. I almost want to cry because I feel so ashamed.

"How dare you?" Caleb raises his voice, stalking towards us into my room. Where are my parents when I need them?

"Oh, we all know what goes on between you and Bentley." I say regrettably sarcastically.

"Actually, Bellamy, Caleb and I have never done anything! You know why? Because we respect this group and put the Dead Boys before everyone!" Bentley exclaims.

Shame fills my throat with bile, and I can't even look at the younger boy.

"What makes you and Aaron so special that you two can be together but me and Bentley can't? Can you explain?" Caleb is up in my face now and I am quite scared, not going to lie.

"Hey man, why are you getting so mad at just him?" Aaron says, putting his hand on Caleb's shoulder.

"He's new, he had less to lose."

"I actually have very much to lose, remember what happened at my old school?" I ask.

Caleb grabs the collar of my shirt and yanks me towards him, "You're going to wish you were back at that school when I'm done with you."

"Listen, you can't blame me for following my heart."

"We can Bell," Azul sighs and I feel bad for disappointing him. "You took an oath; we take oaths seriously. If something was holding you back from taking it, then you shouldn't have taken it."

"Guys I'm sorry," I sigh and sit down on my bed. I can't even look at Aaron, looking at him just deepens the pit in my stomach.

"Bell," Aaron sits next to me and I can't look at him. "Bell!"

"Aaron, I'm sorry." I say, looking down at my clasped hands.

"It's either him or the Dead Boys. You want a relationship that'll last maybe a year at most, or do you want a friendship and guaranteed protection for life?" Caleb asks me.

"Bell," Aaron says, much more quietly now. I finally look up at him and it feels like my heart is breaking into a million pieces.

"Pick!" Caleb yells loudly.

"Can you stop, asshole?" Aaron says while getting up, he turns around and looks at me. The look he has on his face could break my heart into a million pieces. I feel sick, physically sick.

I'm practically shaking as I look Aaron in his eyes. His face is hard, and his jaw is tight but his eyes are telling me what's really going on inside that head of his.

"I think you made your choice," Aaron said, his fists now clenched at his sides. I look away, I still haven't said a word and I know it looks bad to everyone in the room.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly, and he shakes his head.

"I didn't think you were such a coward," He exclaims and then walks out of my room and down the hallway, surely out of my house and out of my heart. I take a step towards my bedroom door, ready to yell his name.

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