Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I walked home pretty quick. There were puddles on the sidewalks and water in the gutters on the sides of the road. The smell of rain was in the air, and I saw a few deer on my way.

I swing the door open to my house, and step inside. My dad is a nurse, so I usually won't see him until dinner, and my mom will get home in about an hour.

I take my shoes off and walk upstairs to my room. Plopping my bag on the ground and then flopping myself on the bed, I sigh.

My mind is so tired but my body is so awake. I don't know what to do with myself. I take a look around my room, trying to decide what the hell I should do. My eyes land on my guitar and I smile.

I have an acoustic guitar, and it's my baby. I got it in freshman year and it's probably the only thing that has kept me sane these past few years. I speak fluent French because my old school was a French school, and I was actually born in Quebec, Canada but moved here right before my first year of kindergarten.

A lot of the music I listen to is acoustic French music. My favourite songs are Ma mémoire sale by Louis Garrel and A ce moment même by Jeremy Kapone. I know both of them on guitar but decide to play Ma mémoire sale because it's my absolute favourite thing to play.

I can't even count how many times I've played this song, I just play it over and over again. My parents are so sick of me playing it so much.

Sometimes I'll sing the song as well, but my voice is horrid so I only do that when I'm alone.


When I hear the door opening from downstairs, I know it's my mom coming home from work. Like everyday, I walk downstairs to greet her.

"Oh Bell," She sighs, putting her hands to her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask her as I help her take her jacket off. I walk to the closet by the front door and hang it up.

"I was supposed to run to the store to get dinner," She groans, "I forgot."

"Hey, no worries. I'll run to the store and get it. What were you planning on making?" I ask her.

"Oh honey, you don't have to." She says, waving her hands back and fourth.

"I want to," She smiles when I say this.

"I was planning on making roasted lemon chicken with green peas." She tells me.

"Okay, I'm on it." I walk to the door, but stop when she calls my name.

"Take the car! And here's some money." She says throwing me the car keys and her wallet.

"Thanks mom!" I say, and walk out the door.

I've had my drivers licence for a few months but since my parents insist I pay for my own things, I don't own a car. I love driving though, but in a small town like this one, there's not many places to drive to. And plus, even though I love driving, there are many who would insist that I am a terrible driver.

I open the door to my mom's 2012 silver Audi A7. I don't know much about cars but I like this one so, the rest doesn't really matter to me.

I pull out of the driveway and away I go. They only have one grocery store in this small town, and it's a little Sobey's that's about a five/ten minute drive from my house.

I love driving down my street, there's some neighbours here and there but it's mostly just woods on each side of the road. My backyard is basically a forest. Driving down this road is so calming, it seems endless.

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