Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

As Aaron and I walked down my road, I was acutely aware of how our arms brushed against each other. Brush, brush, just over and over again.

I was also very, very aware of the goosebumps that grew up and down my body because of it. I'm also pretty sure he noticed, even though he didn't say anything.

"You're one of us," Aaron says firmly, confirming my thoughts just a few minutes ago about becoming a Dead Boy.

Brush, brush.

"A Dead Boy,"

"A Dead Boy." He repeats.

"So why do you guys-I guess we now-call yourself that?" I ask looking over at Aaron and he catches my eyes, I'm just noticing now that we're actually pretty much the same height.

"Because if anyone in this town found out, we'd be dead." He states and this causes me to gulp.

"How lovely." I say sarcastically and Aaron smirks ironically.

"I know right," Brush, brush. "Do your parents know?"

"Yes actually, they're pretty chill about it." Aaron flashes me a genuine smile when I say this.

"That's awesome. You're lucky."

"I know, very lucky." I agree.

Aaron looks up at the dark sky and sighs, running his hand through his hair. I can't help but watch his every movement, just the way his hair curls around his long fingers. Oh god. "This is a small town, every adult and their children are at church every Sunday. There's more churches here than grocery stores."

"Yeah, I noticed," I say with a frown.

"And I'm not saying all religious people are homophobic,"

"Of course not,"

"It's just, we live in Virginia, one of the first thirteen colonies that created this country. Religion built these towns, and often times religion breeds hate. Hate against other religions, hate against different colours, hate against same love. Hate against anything they don't know to be 'normal'. Lucky for us gay lads, those are the kind of people who walk the streets and own the stores and go to school in Woodstown." He explains and I stare at him through the darkness of the night. I feel like my heart is melting the more he talks.

Thanks mom and dad to pick this place to bring your gay son to start over.

"Are there any gay people who are out?" I ask him and he purses his lips.

"There was,"

"Was?" I ask uneasily, not liking his use of past tense.

"There was a kid who went to Woodstown High, he was a few years older than us. His name was Nemo Almode.I was a freshman whilst he was a senior. He was bullied so badly, new bones broken almost every week, or so it seemed that way." He tells me.

By now we've reached my house and the two of us walk up to my front porch and sit down together. I can see him better now, the porch lamp illuminates and casts a shadow over the side of his face. 

"What happened to him?" I say.

"Well, his parents found out and he was sent to Sunny Side."

"Sunny Side?" I'm not familiar with that.

"It's basically a conversation camp." Aaron says this solemnly, his grey eyes soft and searching my face for my reaction.

"Oh god," I breathe.

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