Chapter 7

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 Chapter 7

Aaron stared intently at me, waiting for my answer. His head was slightly cocked to the right and his right hand was drumming silently against his knee. He didn't look at me in a demeaning way, just purely curiosity.

My mouth is hung open as I stare at him back, I open and close my mouth a few times, releasing weird noises such as; uh, um, well, uh.

I break my gaze away from Aaron's and look at pink door leading into the hallway. I could just walk out. I don't even need to say anything. I could just walk out, pretend nothing happened and I would never have to deal with this again. Yes, perfect plan.

I stand up slowly and Aaron still stares up at me curiously, now probably wondering why I am attempting to stand after I just spilled my guts, metaphorically and physically.

I trip on my own feet a little but steady myself on the bathroom counter and step towards the door. I'm almost there, I'm almost ther-

"Bell?" Aaron asks and I pause in my steps. I don't turn to look at him, shame creeps up my neck and I know I'm red as can be. "You're just going to walk away?"

"I guess so," I say and tilt my head a bit to look at him.

I suddenly think about the first time I saw him, in the forest, telling me walk away and never look back. He looks the same now as he did then. Eyes hard and narrowed, hands dug deep in the pockets of his jeans, his dark hair is wisped around him perfectly. Oh god, oh god.

"You can't run from your problems," He tells me and takes a step towards me.

"It's been working out so far," I protest and think about how I ran away from my last school. He doesn't know I did that, he doesn't release it isn't easy to leave everything you ever known behind, people who were your best friends once and everyday you hoped they would come back to you.

"How are you every going to be happy if you're always running?" He asks and steps closer to me.

"I'm running to find happiness, Aaron." I try to explain but I suddenly realize how close Aaron's face is to mine and how acutely I smell of vomit. The thought makes my stomach drop and I swallow hard.

"How will you know you've found it?" It's a simple question, but it fuels the gears in my head to start turning. I gulp.

"I should go," I say and Aaron narrows his eyes again.

"Keep running, Bellamy. Be by guest." He says and backs away from me.

I don't know if I'm relieved that he's no longer so close to me or disappointed, by before I can make up my mind and pull him closer to me again, I turn around and scramble with the door knob to get it open. Once it's open and I step into the hallway, it's like a breath of fresh air, I mean, air filled with pot smoke and sweat but it's still better than whatever crazy air is in that bathroom.

I don't look back at Aaron as I walk away.

* * * *

"That was so embarrassing!" Mia whines on the other side of the phone, the next day.

"Mia, please I have a headache," I say wincing and moving my hand up to cradle my head.

"How do you think I feel!" She purposely says it louder and I groan.

"Mama I'm two seconds away from hanging up on you, then you'll have to be embarrassed all by yourself!" I warn.

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