Chapter 36 Talk

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I regained my consciousness while the sound of a steady beep echoed through my ears like drums. Flickering my eyes open all I saw was white and smelling the overpowering sterile smell that hospitals usually reeked of. My mouth was dry and I could hardly move my hands as I felt something tug on it. That's when flashes of what happend came flooding back and I abruptly sat up with a gasp for air.

"Olivia !?" Ethan said, rushing over to me while Jacob tried to calm me from the other side.

"Where are they ? Are they okay ? What happend? " I asked a million questions my mouth was too slow to answer.

"Shh... calm down baby. They're okay, you're okay . Everything's fine. Sit back and we'll tell you whatever it is you want to know. " Jacob spoke calmly making me more calm in return while I leaned back again.

"You good ?" Ethan asked while I nod my head as he released the grip he had on me.

"Start at the beginning. Why did I blackout? "

"You were overwhelmed with everything happening so fast that your body went into shock." Jacob said while stroking my left hand with his thumb.

"And the babies ? Are they -"

"They're fine. They didn't get hurt and neither did you. You were pretty lucky I was there to catch you or you would've gotten quite a fall. " Ethan answered with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"So they're still -"

"Yes Olivia. You're still pretty much pregnant. Well, not for long . You're about ... what did the nurse say again ?" Ethan said directed towards Jacob.

"3 centimeters dilated. So it's going to be a while. " Jacob answered while I blew out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"So everything's good ? We're all good ?"

"You're all good." Jacob said with the same chuckle Ethan did only minutes before while a relieving smile spread across my face.

"So ... what happens now ?"

"Not much I guess. We just gotta wait around for them ." Jacob said with a chuckle while I already started feeling better by knowing everyone was fine and that I DIDN'T just almost ruin everything.

4 hours in and I was still only at a 7 . The pain has gotten a lot worse so much so that I was given an epidural not so long ago. I've thought I would be able to go all natural on this but after not being able to handle the pain at a 7 , I couldn't bare to think what I would be like on a 10. But even with taking the epidural it wasn't all sunshine and roses. Let me tell you , having them stick a needle as long and thick as that into your back wasn't as fun either. For a second I've thought it to be worst than the contractions. But atleast it brought me some sense of comfort now that it was over and started working.

The guys had been keeping me company along with my mom popping in from time to time. But only my mom. I would've liked to have Jennifer here too but that wouldn't have been fair to Cordelia. Even if I wasn't very fond of her right now. I had to remain fair. I was told our father's weren't 'anxiously ' waiting outside like our mother's were but that was to be expected. None of them were very...warm and family oriented so it didn't surprise us in the least.

"What does the doctor's say?  Everyone's holding their breaths out there ." My mom exaggerated while she scooted closer to me on the bed. The guys were very kind towards my mother by taking over all of my attention when she popped in from time to time. That was usually when they would either go downstairs and eat with their mother's or take a nap , knowing there wouldn't be plenty of time for that soon. But I cherished this time with my mom more than anything. It was like me becoming a mother now has brought us closer and erased our past faults and history. And I was really happy that we were getting along again.

"Well , they said I was at a 7 last time they checked but apparently I'll progress faster once the Oxytocin finally kicks in. But it was kind of a given that my labour would be stalled since I'm having twins and choosing to go natural and not having a C- section. But we'll see how it goes."

"Oh it'll go perfectly sweetheart, you'll see. Don't worry your little head about it. They know what they're doing and they'll do all that they can to help you have a safe delivery. " mom said, kissing me on the head right before the guys came walking back in with a cup of coffee each. Oh how I would've killed to have a cup and a Turkey sandwich right about now. But instead I had to watch THEM eat like kings while I was chomping down heaps of ice. They even had the nerve to order Chick-fil-a for lunch ! I mean come on ! Are they TRYING to torture me !?

"Hey Mrs D ." Ethan said while my mom just brushed it off and smiled kindly back at him for the childish nickname.

"I think this is my cue. See  you later sweetie." Mom said right before she walked out and both of them joined my side.

"Was the doctor back yet ?" Ethan asked , taking a seat on my right.

"Yeah but nothing's changed in the last hour. They've given me some Oxytocin now to try and speed the labour along. We'll see if it works. " I said with a shrug while he kept slurping his coffee right under my nose.

"Ethan , get that away from her. I swear if you keep drinking that so closely to her she's going to tackle you to the ground for it. Pregnant or not." Jacob said with a chuckle, reading my mind and coffee deprived eyes.

"Fine. Do you want some babe ?" He said teasingly while I almost reached out and snatched it from his hold. But then he said "just kidding !" And stood up to take a nap. Good thing too cause I would've strangled him to death for that little 'joke' he played on me. Would've been a good thing too given we were in a hospital already.

"So... now that he's gonna be out for a while. Wanna talk ? Or are you tired? " Jacob said ,scooting closer to me while I patted the spot on the bed next to me to which he took my offer kindly and snuggled up against my side.

"Sure. Let's talk."

I think I'm going to end it here for now and let them continue this conversation next week 😂 thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

//updates every Thursday//

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