Chapter 27 Jacob's stop

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When we arrived at the Smith household it was NOTHING I thought the third most powerful family in the world's house would look like. It was cute and quaint . It didn't look like a house where someone owning billions of dollars would live, it looked ... average. But a sophisticated average. On the first knock the most radiant and smiling woman opened the door , the woman I've yet had the pleasure to meet. His mom. She pulled him into a big hug , swaying back and forth -like a mom greeting her toddler after school - while Ethan tried to suppress a snicker.

"Mom..." Jacob said embarrassed to which she let him go.

"Oh I'm sorry honey. It's just been so long since I've seen you last with you getting hitched and all." She said with a warming smile. I could tell right off the bat that she was NOTHING compared to Ethan and I's families. She was more ... warm and caring.

"Uh mom... this is Ethan and Olivia. " Jacob introduced us while she sized us up , trying to fit the face to our name.

"Ah , so you're Travis Walker's son ?"

"Yes ma'am "

"And you're Bennett Davis' daughter? "

"Uh yes ma'am. " I said politely.

"What's with all this ma'am hoo-ha ? We're family now ! Call me Jennifer. " She said with another warming smile "except you mister. To you I'm still your mother. " she said directed towards Jacob while Ethan couldn't keep his snicker in this time , resulting in getting Jacob's burning gaze thrown his way. "Come on in !" She said , directing us to her livingroom. And let me tell you ; it might not look like much from the outside, but inside it was like a palace ! Hence the expression , never judge a book by it's cover.

It was all in a sophisticated white colour with splashes of black or red here and there. Stairs lining up to the second floor and the most breathtaking view from the backyard. I stood in awe while she carried our drinks out , still taking this all in.

"So what brings you crazy kids here ?"

"Mom ..." Jacob scolded her while she brushed him off before restating her question.

"Sorry , young adults ?" She said , covering it up with a joyful laugh. She was the happiest out of all three our mothers , she would put them to shame. No wonder Jacob was the most mannered , level headed and behaved among the three of us. With a mom like that, he kind of had to turn out well , near perfect.

"We actually have something to tell you." Jacob said , taking a hold of my hand .

"Shouldn't we wait for your dad ?" I asked , making Ethan elbow me in the side and Jennifer's smile fall slightly.

"My dad - He's...uh... gone. " Jacob said making me still act like a confused idiot because I still didn't get it. I blame the pregnancy brain .

"I ... don't understand? "

"He's -"

"It's okay honey. I've got this." Jennifer interrupted Jacob, seeing it was literally killing him to talk about. "My husband died in a plane crash when Jacob was 15. It...hit us all pretty hard that's probably why he didn't tell you about it ,but I wouldn't blame him if I were you sweetie. Him and his father were really close. That's why it was so hard for him to step up and take over SmithInc at 16. It meant his father was REALLY gone and he was going to be replaced. But Jacob couldn't let that happen so , he did school AND ran the third most successful company in the world. It's been a rough 6 years for him. "

"Oh- I'm so sorry. I didn't realize - I didn't mean to -" I rambled on , the words not forming in my brain and the tears sitting at the edge of my eyes.

"It's okay sweetheart. These things happen and atleast now you know." She said sweetly , making my heart ache that I just brought 6 years of suppressed feelings back up. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me ?" She said, putting that million dollar smile -not seeming as someone who's been a widow for almost 6 years - back on while Jacob took a deep breath and I this time intertwined our hands making him look down at me. I gave him an encouraging and an apologetic smile while he said 'its okay' with his eyes.

"So mom , we ... kind of found out that ... Olivia's pregnant ." He said slowly , waiting for her reaction.

"You mean I'm a grandmother!?" She exclaimed.

"Not really. It could be mine." Ethan mumbled as it was my turn to hit him in the ribs with my elbow.

"Don't steal her moment." I whisper yelled while she hugged Jacob so hard I thought his head would pop off.

"This is the best news ever !?"

"Now mom , you have to understand that there is a possibility that Ethan's the father not me . So don't get too excited." Jacob tried to explain to her but I don't think she was paying attention to any reason right now.

"I don't care about blood ! Ethan's a part of the family now so your child or the not . I'm a grandmother!" She jumped for joy , literally . "Tell me all about it !? When did you find out?" She asked but her , I couldn't just brush off like my mother. She was too kind and ecstatic to just get up and leave.

"Uh well , they confirmed it this morning at the doctor's office but I've been feeling weird for a few days now. They said it's too early to tell how far along I am but next week they'll have a more direct answer." I answered someone on this question for the first time while Jacob gave me a smile and mouthed a 'thank you' that I didn't just shoot her down.

"Wow that's AMAZING ! Congratulations Olivia and you too Ethan . You're going to be great parents! I would love to hear more but I reckon you must have a few more people to tell so I'll just say you owe me a coffee date." She said with a wink while I smiled kindly to her understandment.

"Thank you so much Ma- I mean Jennifer. I'll take you up on your offer soon. "

"Yeah but right now we have to get going. Thank you for the coffee mom. Love you." Jacob said , placing a kiss on her cheek while she escorted us back to the car.

"Thank you for being so nice to my mom. It means a lot." Jacob said while Ethan pulled out of the driveway making his way to his parents'

"No problem. And I'm sorry about your dad. If I had known... I wouldn't have brought it up."

"It's okay. I should've told you. It's just , I thought you would think less of me because I didn't have a father or half a parent. "

"Are you serious Jacob? I would never be that petty or think less of you. Infact I think it's pretty amazing how you could keep the third most successful company in world running smoothly at the age of 16 WHILE still attending school. You're amazing Jacob. And having lost your father at such a young age doesn't define who you are. It just shows how strong it's made you."

"Thanks Liv." He said , pulling me into a hug while I could see Ethan's burning glare from the rearview mirror.

"Hey ! Not while I'm driving!" He playfully scolded us while Jacob and I shared a kiss just to be spiteful AND to see him roll his eyes. I think I kind of like Jennifer , I take more kindly to her than my own mother . And I'm not just saying that because I take pity on her. But I think she's really strong . I would actully love to take her up on her offer . But first , I had the Walker's to deal with. And something tells me that they were  going to be a whirlwind.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!?!?!?!?! 🎄🎄🎄 And now that , that's out of the way.
This is it !!! What do you think !? And of Jacob's dad? I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

And a very merry Christmas to you and your family 🎄

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