Chapter 2 Best. Birthday. Ever.

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"A minute alone please Jacob? " my dad said, as Jacob confused nod his head following my dad outside along with my mother.

Great. Now I was left in a room with a bunch of people who ruined my life . Just peachy.

Ten minutes later - and Ross having been called outside too - they all returned.

I looked at my mother for answers while it seemed as she was trying just as hard to not make eye contact with me.

"Everything okay Bennett? " Mr Walker said , addressing my dad .

"Actually, we have a slight... hiccup. " dad said , wincing at the situation and his choice of words.

"I'll take it from here Mr Davis " Ross said , collecting his thoughts before addressing all of us.

"It seems like there has been some miscommunication ... according to his records Mr Smith over here has also been made the same offer as Mr Walker. 25% of Smith inc. In exchange for Mr Smith and Ms Davis to be wed in order to keep it in the family. "

"What!?"  A furious Mr Walker said , jumping up from the table and slamming his fists down. "You traitor!" He yelled at my father while Mrs Walker tried to calm him down.

"Well , actually Mr Smith was first , you are second Mr Walker. Him being born before your son ." Ross said , trying to clear everything up , though I think it just made everything worse.

"Impossible! They only have one daughter and it's impossible for her to be in two places at once ! I can't take back my shares even if I wanted to !" Mr Walker said as I looked between all the men arguing about my life. As if I wasn't even there...

"Well, I can't take back the shares my dad sold you either Mr Davis. I'm sorry. " The guy - who I've learned to be named Jacob - said nonchalant , looking very comfortable by this whole ordeal unfolding infront of us.

"Well - uh ... there has to be a way to resolve this . Ross ?" Dad stammered. He never stammered . This must've  been really hard on him.

But then again , he did make the mistake by committing me to someone else after he already did 3 years prior. So...

Carma's a witch.

I watched as the grown ups argued back and forth , so instead I excused myself to 'use the restroom ' while I actually sat in the lobby listening to Shawn Mendes with my headphones.

At this point I didn't even care if it made my hair stick up into every direction or that the gum stuck to my cherry red lipstick. It didn't look to me as if anything was going to happen today anyway.

Half way through in my Blood I was tapped on the shoulder by a very nervous Ethan.

"Sup." I said , taking my headphones off and popping my gum loudly .

Very lady like , I know.

"They need us back there." He said just as irritated as I was while I just nod my head and followed him back.

We didn't say a word to eachother the whole way there. It was too ... awkward. 

Taking our seats , I got a disapproving look from my mother for my messy hair and smudged lipstick. But who cared at this point how I looked anymore ?

"We've come to an agreement." Ross said , to which Mr Walker scoffed in return, obviously not approving by this so called agreement he was forced to abide into.

"Ms Davis is to be wed to Mr Walker. "

I watched as Jacob was about to jump up in protest , that's until Ross finished his sentence.

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