Chapter 13 - Europe P. 1

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Ivan POV 🌸

Europe time!

Today is the day, we've been packing for three days straight; rather I have, Estrella took about 3 hours. I still can't believe one month ago I was living by myself trying to make ends meet, than Estrella's annoyingly sexy ass comes out of nowhere. I'm not gonna lie, I hated his guts, especially when he would go pda with twink bitch, but that's in the past.

Speaking of twink bitch, he's been sentenced to 35 years for attempted murder, crazy right? I mean for actually murder sure, but he wasn't to scaring me. As for Jackson my shitty good for nothing ex, 42 years. I was cackling during the court case as Jason sobbed his eyes out. Jackson on the other hand lunged for the Judge, grabbing her hair and slamming her face on the table, before being subdued by security guards. She made it 70 years because of that. He growled out in anger yelling "I'll kill all of you!" Before being dragged back to his cell.

Right now before we left I asked Catalina to bake us a cake and give it to Greta, she's been working very hard on taking care of me so I wanted to thank her by giving her one Catalina's signature pies. Gingham asked me to be his best man after Micheal proposed, talk about fast paced right? Me and Estrella are taking it slow, especially with what happened a few weeks ago with you know who.

"Got all your stuff?" Estrella's asks, I nod cheerfully. "Alright than, lets go. They already got mine in the trunk so I'll help you with yours" he casually picks up my suitcase like it weighs nothing. "No fair, why can't I be strong" I pouted in annoyance.

"Hey, at least you got stamina. You rode me for 30 minutes non stop before I busted inside you" this asshole decides to bring up events of last night. "Screw you horny, rich, sexy, asshole" I grumbled out. "Huh? What was that? I don't speak power bottom" he teased.

Oh that is it.

"Fine! Be a bitch, no sex for the entire trip" I said smugly. Estrella's face morphs into horror at the realization. I leave him in the dust and quickly exit the penthouse via elevator. I heard him trudging towards me with the bags, cramming himself in the elevator with me. "Hey, don't you think your taking this a bit too far?" He asked worriedly.

I shook my head "I think I'm being fair" I could see the fear in his eyes, everyday in since we first had sex, we haven't stopped. Last night was the by far the best orgasm I've ever had, I'm not gonna go into detail with our session, it was crazy. "B-babe don't you think you're being unreasonable?" He said nervously. "Hmm? Oh I think I'm being perfectly reasonable" the elevator door opens and I head out towards the back to get in the limo.

Once everything was stuffed in the trunk I head inside, with Estrella right behind me. "Look. I know you're mad, but come on! It was joke!" He whined. I giggle at his frustration, "Should of thought about that before you called me a power bottom" I smirked.

Than he gave me those puppy eyes.

It's not fair! How can he be sexy and cute at the same time! I tried ignoring his adorable pouting and big blue eyes look at my soul. "It's not gonna work, give up while you can" I'm thankful my voice still sounded firm. "Oh come on! Please Ivan, I need sex!" He pleaded. I put my earbuds in, ignoring him plainly, "Oh I love this song" I told myself.

"Fine. Two can play that game" he growled out, he crossed his arms and looked on his side of the car window. Soon we made it to the airport, I thought Estrella was gonna yelp me get my luggage by he just went out of the car and straight to his private jet, with people carrying his stuff behind him. "Great, left to carry 3 days worth of packed shit" I open the trunk and all of my stuff is there, waiting for me.


I decide to be smart and I grabbed the heaviest suitcase first, just to get it out of the way. Than the problem hit me.

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