Chapter Four - She's a perfect fit

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Francis' POV


"Hey." Grayson says, entering the room and cutting Madison off. He has a bowl of cereal in his hand that's full to the brim. Shoving a spoonful of it in his mouth, he takes a seat on a chair next to the bed.

"That looks revolting." Madison says, grimacing.

Grayson grins, revealing various Cheerios and Rice Krispies.

Madison slumps herself down in the bed and pulls the duvet over her head. I laugh, grab the spoon from Gray, and take a spoonful.

"What the fuck, that's so mushy. How can you eat that shit?" I say, struggling to swallow from how gross the cereal is.

"You wanna go get something better to eat?" Madison asks, having woken up a bit more now and finally arising from under the duvet.

"Later. I'm going out."

"Where?" She responds.

"I've got a meeting."

"What's the project this time?" Grayson chimes in.

"All I know is that they've seen some of my previous projects and want to talk."

I give Mads a peck on the forehead then change into some smarter clothes.

Going into the kitchen, I grab my keys, wallet and phone. I step into my Dr Martens, not bothering to fully tie them.

"Do you need a ride?" Luke calls, keeping his eyes on his book.

I go over to the sofa and take his mug off him, taking a sip of the warm coffee. Passing it back, I kiss him on the forehead and reply in a soft voice. "I'm okay."

Getting into the car, I upload to Instagram.

Getting into the car, I upload to Instagram

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Liked by lukemoore and 487 others

franciskingston ur shirt looks way better on me ;) @lukemoore

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maddiebaddie how r u looking like that while im looking hungover

franciskingston @maddiebaddie bc i did not pass out :)

maddiebaddie @franciskingston what can i say? i keep it classy


Walking into the building, I'm filled with excitement. Art is so important to me and projects always allow me to test my skills and further my imagination.

A man is waiting for me in reception.

"Francis Kingston?" He asks. His eyes trail to a splotch of paint on my shoulder.

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