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"Guuuuuuys. We have been here for a week and haven't even gone to the beach yet." Laila whines. The last week was spent sleeping and watching movies.

"Alright do you want to go today?"


"Fine. EVERYONE GET YOUR ASSES READY WE ARE GOING TO TH BEACH!" With that everyone ran to their rooms and got ready. I pit on a light blue strapped bikini and put on an oversized t-shirt. I also out in my Birkenstock Sandler's before leaving my bedroom. I head downstairs and was greeted by Peter who was the only one ready.

"Hey Cass. What's up."

" Not much." I shrug.

"How is everything with You and Asher doin?"He whispers getting closer to me so no one else hears.

"Good. It's just like old times before the big fight. I'm happy that whole thing is over." I admit.

"As long as your happy I'm happy." Peter replies sending me a smile before walking off into the kitchen. I didn't notice that almost everyone came down except for Asher and Riley. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I turn around to see Asher and he places a quick kiss in my lips. We began talking about random stuff before I heard a crying from up stairs. I don't think anyone else heard it but Laila because we just looked at each other and ran up to Riley's room. We knocked twice.

"Ri? It's just me and Laila we are coming in Okay?" I gently turned the door knob to reveal Riley sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. We sit down on either sides of her and rub her back.
"What happened Riley?" I ask in a gentle tone. She picks up her head and wipes her eyes.

"My head hurts so bad." She says. Riley has a really high pain tolerance so this must really be bad.

"I'm sorry Riley. You lay down and we will get you medicine. Okay?" Laila says.

"No go enjoy the beach I don't want you guys to have to miss out because of me."

"Don't be silly Riley. We are staying here and sending the boys away so they aren't annoying. If you feel better later we will watch the sunset at the beach. Now you lay down and we will be right back." Riley sighs and does what she is told. Laila and I walk downstairs to find the boys looking at us worried.

"Riley is really tired. She didn't get enough sleep last night. You guys go and we will meet you later tonight for the sunset." They nod and leave. Laila and I walk into the kitchen.

"What do you think is wrong with Laila?" I shrug.

"I don't know. She NEVER is like this. I wonder if we should take her to the doctor."

"I don't know. Let's see how she feels in a little bit." I nod and get the Advil and water while Laila makes her toast and yogurt. We out everything on a tray before grabbing the thermometer and a cold rag and heading up to Riley's room. We walk in to find her hands over her eyes in pain. We bring everything over to her and she Thanks us. I take her temperature and she doesn't have a fever. Weird.

"Riley does anything else hurt at all or is it just your head?"

"Just my head."

"Okay well eat then sleep because I think you need it. It might be because of the different time zones." I explain. Riley nods and says thank you again. Laila and I go into her room and watch a movie. A few hours later, the bedroom door opens to reveal a healthy looking and well rested Riley. She smiles at us and comes onto the bed with us.

"How you feeling Ri?"

"So much better. Thank you guys again." We hug her tight and watch another movie. As soon as the movie ends I get a text from Noah.

Noah: we are at the beach for sunset. Come when your ready.

I tell the girls and we leave the house. The beach was only a five minute walk from where we were so that was nice. Once we arrived we saw a few blankets laced out on the sand connecting to each other with our six boys on them. We ran over and claimed are spot. Everyone layers down and just watched the sun set and the stars take over the sky. It took about a half an hour but it was really cool. It was nice to just be enjoying time it's my friends without a movie or cell phones and especially without drama. I was cuddled into Asher's side and right when I was about to fall asleep he whispered something in my ear.

"I'm taking you out tomorrow night." I nod and smile. This feels oddly familiar. Just like old times.

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