Chapter 11

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Excuse mistakes😘

Natalie's POV

Mind blowing. Euphoric. Utterly orgasmic. Those are just a few of the words I can use to describe what I felt with Terrence that night. Before he snuck out on me the next day.

Now, it's been a few days since I've last seen Terrence and for some reason he has managed to invade my every thought every waking moment. It's infuriating.

I was disappointed when I woke up the morning after to an empty bed. Although it was warm it didn't change the fact that I was empty.

I thought we had a connection. No. I'm sure we did.

I guess it was this mindset that made me do probably the most stupid thing I have ever done in my life.

Last night, I called Elena Sánchez to hire Terrence for a week. I had paid a small fortune just for him to be able to accompany me to Dubai and I had to practically keep chanting to myself that I was making the right decision. That I was doing good by myself for seeking out Terrence again to explore what we had otherwise I would probably regret it in the future.

It wasn't sinking in.

I hadn't told Kaylene, or Stassie for fear of what they would say about it although I'm sure they'd know soon enough either way.

All this just because for the second time in my life I felt a 'connection' to a guy. It seems that I don't learn from my past mistakes.

I shake my head trying to dismiss those negative thoughts. No, Nat. This would be different.

Or so I hope. Apparently I'm one of those people who doesn't let one bad relationship hinder them from letting themselves feel. It's both a good and a bad thing at the same time.

I returned from work earlier than usual today to get ready and attend Camilla's bridal shower. It was something I had been looking foward to all week as I had helped plan it.

After taking a long bath and doing my make up, I walk into my closet to look for an outfit and as usual I'm stuck, not knowing what to do.

I pick up my phone and facetime Kaylene, my fashion police.

"Hey babe." She picks on the first ring. Her voice sounds like she is trying to catch her breath and her hair is sticking to her forehead with sweat and I notice all this although she tries to act normal. I scrunch up my nose at her.

"Were you having sex?" I ask incredulously.

"What?" She sputters. "No I wasn't. I just finished using the gym."

"Uhun." I give her a look that says I'm-your-fucking-best-friend-and-you-can't-lie-to-me.

"Fine." She sighs. "So I might have been with someone." She rolls her eyes.

"And who might that someone have been?" I prod.

Before she can answer, I hear a deep masculine voice in the background that is distinctively familiar and then I see a figure walk past behind her and I gasp loudly. "Holy fuck. Is that-"

"Yes it is." Kay says with a nod of her head and a huge smile on her face. 

Wow. I never could have seen that one coming. Tate, Stassie's baby brother is fucking my best friend, Kaylene. Someone almost four years her junior. Shocker. But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe this is just the leverage I need so she won't come at me when I tell her that I hired Terrence again.

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