Chapter 9

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Excuse mistakes 😘

Natalie's POV

It's been 5 days, 122 hours and 7330 seconds since I have seen Terrence Ross.

That night after our little scene in the car, I -and I am ashamed to admit this- had gone to my room and touched myself for the first time in years to the thought of all the things I wanted him to do to me. In my mind, in that moment, it was justified but then afterwards I just felt so stupid and like a horny teenage girl.

I haven't been able to get Terrence out of my mind and it's making me go crazy. I was thinking of all the ways I could make us meet again. The escort agency didn't give his number and for all I know Terrence Ross isn't even his real name.

When I had voiced my thoughts to Kaylene that I was considering hiring him again she was strongly against it. But that didn't stop me from thinking it.

To get my mind off of him and preserve my sanity, Kaylene had talked me into a girls night out to god knows where. I don't care really. I'm down for wherever.

So here I am, sitting before my vanity mirror in my white cotton robe dolling myself up. After applying my layers of make up, I feel a bit better.

Make up really is therapeutic.

I am in the closet looking for what to wear when I hear the bell ring so I drop the outfit that was in my hand to go open the door.

"Bitch, why aren't you ready yet?" Kaylene asks as soon as I open the door.

Behind her are Stassie and Norla, our other friends.

"Omg, you guys!" I exclaim, not replying Kaylene's question.

I quickly pull Norla and Stassie into a tight group hug. I haven't seen them in forever and suddenly I'm even more excited for tonight.

[Kaylene's dress]

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[Kaylene's dress]

[Kaylene's dress]

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