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Warning: gratuitous fluff to ensue. Not the least bit sorry.


Oliver blinked awake with a small groan. He stretched, hand brushing a piece of paper. With groggy eyes he picked it up and looked at it.

A fly in amber you make me whole, read the title. Then the haiku followed:

Lick on irises

Like honey dripping to fill

The holes in my soul

He smiled, and looked over to Baby's side of the bed. Surprisingly, Baby was still in it. There was no noises of breakfast being made or humming from the kitchen. Baby was fast asleep, dark eyelashes brushing the upwards swoop of his cheeks. He must've written the poem sometime last night.

Oliver leaned over to brush a kiss to Baby's forehead. Baby shifted in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible.

Oliver grinned at him then rolled out of bed. He pulled a shirt on as he walked to the desk, trying to quietly open his computer. He'd missed News Writing and Reporting yesterday because he had to take Baby to the hospital. He'd emailed Professor Earle, but hadn't gotten a reply yet. Hopefully there was one waiting in his inbox now.

Sure enough, a notification for an unread email sat on his desktop when he powered up his computer. He clicked it, and opened the message from his teacher.


Thank you for notifying me of your absence. I am terribly sorry to hear about your boyfriend, and hope things went well yesterday. I hope you know you are both in my thoughts and prayers.

You didn't miss much in class, and you should be able to easily obtain the assignment from one of your friends. However, there is one subject I would like to breech with you. Your last review you gave me on the new boygenius album is absolutely superb. I took the liberty of submitting it to the school paper, and they found it just as delightful as I did. It seems music is your niche, Oliver. So pick up your copy of The Gothic Times today, because your name is bold and black on page three.


Dr. D.P. Earle

New Jersey City University English Department

Oliver blinked, then blinked again. He reread the last sentence twice before it hit him.

His review got published in the paper? Holy shit? He stood up from the desk and did a silent dance of victory, still conscious of Baby sleeping. Oliver left the bedroom, resisting the urge to squeal out loud. A one time good review was a fluke, a welcomed fluke but a fluke nonetheless. A two time good review? That was starting to be a pattern. And both of them had been about music. Oliver found writing reviews refreshing after slugging through literature and even news articles. There was something about the dry wit required as well as the analysis skills that just really made him love it. And to know that he was good at it?

Oliver smiled to himself, deciding to get his hands on a school paper as soon as possible.

He made his way to the kitchen, where he got out a frying pan and started frying up some pancakes. Baby didn't usually eat a lot, so he only made a single batch for them both.

After fifteen minutes, Baby still hadn't appeared bleary eyed and cute in the doorway. Oliver sighed. If the smell of chocolate chip pancakes hadn't woken him up, nothing would. Dr. Williams had been very clear not to let him sleep all day. Oliver bit his lip, then decided to go wake the other up.

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