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WARNING: There is a sex scene at the end of this chapter!!! If you don't want to read you don't have to. Just know Baby takes it up the ass xD


Oliver hopped down from the front porch, trying not to die from the heavy package he was carrying.

"Left! Left!" Baby called from the back of the car.

"This is left," Emmett called back, grunting under the weight.

Oliver and his friends were in the process of moving all of his stuff out from his old house and into Baby's apartment. Oliver had finally steeled himself, deciding that they would show up midday when hopefully neither of his parents were home. Luckily, Oliver had guessed right. The house was empty, and his parents hadn't changed the locks or anything crazy so he could still get in. He'd frantically packed his clothes and books into some boxes along with other important things, and now they were getting them downstairs and out the door. Both Emmett's truck and Oliver's car stood ready.

He and Emmett heaved the last box into a spot snug in Oliver's trunk. Both Baby and Francesca applauded generously from the backseat.


"Gorgeous job, gentlemen."

"Absolutely superb."

"Splendidly fantastic I might add."

"Such bulging muscles."

"Truly fine specimens."

"Alright shut up you two," Emmett grumbled. "Who's idea was it to make you friends?"

"God's," Baby said without a hint of sarcasm.

Oliver knew to roll his eyes, but Emmett was actually floored for a second.

"Oh very nice," he said, when he caught on that it was a joke. "Is that the last of them Oliver?"

Oliver thought back to his room, which now looked strangely empty. It was the same room he'd lived in his whole life, with memories scratched into the very walls. It was more than a little strange to finally be leaving it. 

"Yeah," he said, trying not to show how much this was affecting him. "That was it."

"You ready to finally have more than one outfit again?" Baby asked.

"So ready."

"Not like your fashion sense consisted of much outside of jeans and t-shirts, but it's the thought that counts."

"You shut it," Oliver pointed a finger at Baby, who just grinned in response. "I looked great in those jeans and t-shirts."

"You always do," Baby crooned.

"See?" Francesca piped up. "When I tell you you're hot as hell I mean it."

"Weren't you the one that told me just weeks ago that there was something wrong with my face?" Oliver asked.

"Um, that was Baby."

Baby threw him a wink, telling him that no, Baby actually did think he was hot as hell and would never say something like that about his face. The truth of it made Oliver a little hot under the collar. He knew he was good looking, well, slightly above average per say. But Baby was otherworldly, and way out of Oliver's league. Just the notion of Baby finding him attractive in return was enough to make Oliver sweat.

"Oh shit Oliver," Emmett said. "There were those little boxes of papers we left up there, remember?"

Oliver groaned. "Oh yeah. Let's go."

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