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baby ^-^: where r u idiot

me: like 2 minutes away, idiot

baby ^-^: i'm already outside in the COLD

me: if you can........ wait........ 2 minutes.............. i'll give you my jacket

baby ^-^: what is it made of

me: if this is leading up to boyfriend material i'm gonna scream

baby ^-^: you're killin me smalls

me: killing your awful jokes maybe

baby ^-^: get your ass here NOW i need to punch you

Oliver grinned at his phone before putting it back in his lap so he could drive. He was about a minute away from Baby's apartment now, ready to pick up the other to go on, in Baby's words, a "proper date". Apparently Taco Bell only counted as a "half date", because things were "too greasy". Oliver couldn't argue, because he was getting a second date out of Baby and it made his heart soar.

He had a blanket in the backseat along with a picnic basket full of food. It was almost seven at night and the sun was just setting. The air was brisk, the sky was clear. A perfect night for a second date. Hopefully a date that counted as a full one this time.

He pulled into the parking lot of Baby's apartment complex and immediately spotted the blue-haired boy standing outside, rubbing his arms and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Oliver hopped out and went to open the passenger side door.

"Why thank you idiot," Baby said, sliding into the car. "I believe I was promised a jacket?"

Oliver laughed, shrugging off his windbreaker. He tossed it into the car onto Baby's lap.

"Here, go nuts," he said as he made his way back around to the driver's side.

"Smells like you," Baby mumbled as soon as Oliver was back in the car.

Oliver felt his face go hot as he looked over at Baby, who had his nose pressed to the soft material. Oh my lord, he did not think that boy could get any cuter. Of course Baby would go and prove him wrong.

All of a sudden, Baby seemed to remember where he was. His own cheeks flushed a bit as he pulled the jacket back to his lap.

"Smells like English major," Baby corrected.

"Oh that hurts Baby."

Baby stuck out his tongue in Oliver's direction.

"So where are we going?"

Oliver had started driving down the highway out of the city. He had a very specific spot in mind.

"You're just gonna have to wait and see."

"Oh a surprise date. It better not be another Taco Bell."

"You'll love it. No grease for miles in all directions."

"Sounds like my kind of place."

"I hope so."

A lull in their conversation gave Baby an excuse to lean forward and rifle around in Oliver's glove box.

"Do you have an aux cord?" he eventually asked.

"Yeah, I think the end of it fell under your seat."

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