CHAPTER 16: Please.....

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While everybody is fighting, I quickly shift into my wolf as well and find myself fighting some of Luis' friends or whatever he likes to call them.

I can't get too good of a look but enough to notice that we are winning.

Then I hear a loud howl that sounded like it was a wolf in pain. When I looked to see where it was coming from I saw it was my mate and it looked like Luis was about to finish Nolan off until I sprinted on all fours towards him knocking others down who were in my way and then knocked him off of Nolan's wolf and both Luis and I began to go at it.

"My aren't we brave." He coos at me through mind link.

"Brave and strong." I tell him.

"We'll see princess." He says and that just sends me off the rails even more.

We both lunge at each other and I grab onto him on the sides and with my claws starting to dig in through the flesh and right as soon as I feel his ribs, I start to snap them, breaking a few.

His wolf yelps in pain as he falls onto the ground and tries to get up, ignoring the pain, while growling at me with some blood coming from his sharp canines as I return the glare as well while standing on my two hind legs, waiting for him to attack.

"Had enough?" I ask him.

"Ha! You don't scare me. You may have had some training but you'll never beat me!" He exclaims.

"Why don't you come at me then and try to finish me off." I challenge him.

"With pleasure." He says.

That's right when him and went after each other for the last time.

We were grabbing the sides of each other's faces trying to squeeze them real tightly. Then we started snapping our sharp canines at one another and I began throwing punches but mostly clawing at his skin.

He tried doing the same to me as well in but I was able to push him off of me with so much force then out of nowhere, I see Nolan's wolf behind him and snaps his neck with his bare hands making Luis' wolf go limp.

He drops him to the ground and starts holding his side as he limps his way towards me.

The moment he gets close enough we look into each other's eyes and touch the sides of each other face as we look at one another's wolf.

We drowned out the rest of what was going on and were just two werewolves standing in front of one another, gazing into each other's eyes with so much love and passion. We shared a beautiful moment.

Then we came back to reality and Nolan turned to look at the few that were left fighting while others were either dead or badly hurt from both his pack and Luis'. He makes a loud gutteral growl with a little howl in it and caused everyone to stop and stare at us. He next began to mind link them all.

"For those of you who still have enough strength to walk, I suggest you do just that and never return back onto my territory! Do not take this gesture as a sign of weakness and do NOT take it for granted. Now go!" He finishes telling them.

All of them started limping and stumbling out as quick as they could then we all began shifting back into our human forms and I could see out the corner of my eye, Nolan begin to fall to the floor, still holding his side only wincing and screaming in pain.

When I bend down to his side, I can see four deep gashes from where Luis had clawed him. It of course can hurt you while you're your wolf but when you're human, the pain is intensified by a hundred.

"Baby?" I ask worried as I try and move his hand that is covered in blood along with his entire chest and stomach.

"It's okay." He says while wincing.

I next feel Bison with a blanket around him, him and a few other members that weren't hurt nearly as bad, also covered in random clothes they found around the place and all picked Nolan up and started carrying him out and put him in one of the cars Luis had and we all headed back to the house.

Right away I called for the doctor to meet us there through mind link.

It was heartbreaking to hear my mate who is so strong emotionally and physically, screaming in pain non-stop and me not being able to do anything.

I felt hopeless. I felt scared. I began thinking that this must be how he felt the entire time when he thought he would lose me and I would never remember.

Why? Why did this happen? Did we do something wrong? Did I do something to deserve this much pain in my life? He is all I have and we have been through so much, I would die of he didn't survive. Please, whoever can hear me, don't take my mate from me. I then break out into tears as I can longer hold them in anymore.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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