CHAPTER 3: SHE'S my Priority

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There was just a few more weeks left before I was able to finally get back to my mate. I swear, from now on, I'm going to bring her with me.

I haven't been able to get a hold of her through our mind link for the last few days and I felt a little worried.

While hanging out and closing the deal with our last alliance here, Bilson had excused himself for a bit as he got a call he had to take. Then moments later he came in with a sad look on his face.

"Alpha. It's Kailey. She's been in an accident." He says.

"What?" I ask him in disbelief while at the same time, my heart has fallen to pieces. I then look at the gentlemen at the table. "Excuse me guys. We will have to finish this some other time. It's my mate." I tell them as I quickly stand and excuse myself.

I have Bison tell the guys at the airport to get the plane ready. Then we got there and started making our way home.

I was wondering back and forth in my head in what had happened and why in the hell Flynch wasn't answering his mind link or phone.

Then once we arrived, I had an Uber take us straight to the house and I ran inside of the house and sprinted up the stairs passing everyone there and ran straight into our bedroom and stopped abruptly the moment I saw her laying in her back on the bed, with an I.V. in one arm to help with pain and another one to keep her hydrated. She also had oxygen in her nose.

"Oh my god." I say under my breath, ignoring Flynch, Bison, the pack doctor and everyone else inside of the room as I quickly went over beside her on my knees and took hold of her hand as I closed my eyes tightly while kissing her a few times on her hand.

"E-excuse me, Alpha Nolan?" I hear Flynch ask from behind.

"How the hell did this happen?" I asked him feeling sad and upset at him since she was his responsibility.

"I'm really sorry. She got upset and she tried to run away and when I tried to stop her and bring her back, she tripped and hit her head outside." He says.

Though it doesn't make any sense, at the moment, I guess I can trust it now and ask questions later. Right now I don't want to leave her side.

"Alright. We'll discuss this later. Right now I need to be with her." I tell him before asking  everyone to leave the room except for the pack doctor.

As I walk over and pull up a chair beside her by the bed, I look at the doctor as I try fighting back tears as he begins packing up after checking her heart beat.

"Well there's some good news and some bad." He says.

"Okay?" I reply.

"The good news is she'll be fine but the bad news is that there's a possibility she may never remember anything from either her childhood and or just you both. So just be patient and take it easy with her and when she does come to or remembers, also help her find her wolf again. Cause it hurt her too." He says.

"So she could..." I stop myself as I choke back on some tears a little bit. "It's possible she won't remember us?" I finish not wanting to believe it.

"I'm sorry. But she might come around. Some of her injuries though are...." He stops himself.

"Are what?" I asked.

"Well it's weird. Because even though she supposedly hit her head to knock her out and jolt her memory possibly, things like those take a while to heal even for wolves yet there's nothing of that sort. But who knows, it's possible she just hit her head on a non sharp part of a rock or something. Anyways, I'll keep in touch and check in on her when I can but of course if anything happens, you know you can hit me up." He says as he walks over towards me and pats me on the shoulder.

"She'll be okay." He tells me.

I nod my head. "Thanks." I tell him.

He then leaves and shuts the door behind him while I continue sitting there watching her and gently stroking her hair.

I will get to the bottom of all of this but right now, being here for her is all that matters the most.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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