CHAPTER 4: A Few Days Later

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My eyes were hard to open as it felt like I had no strength as my eyelids felt heavy. But I finally got them opened and while starting to look around, I could tell I was in a really nice bedroom that was huge.

Then as I look over a little to my right, I see some guy asleep in a chair while slumped back and using his hand as a pillow. He looks hot as hell but wait a minute, where am I at? Have I been kidnapped?! Oh my god.

I began to panic a little bit while sitting up and immediately wince at the pain I suddenly feel from a tug on my arm while I look down and notice a couple of needles hooked up to I.V.'s. I next quickly took them out and tried to be quiet as I wasn't sure if this man sleeping in the chair was going to wake up and wasn't sure what he had in them.

I look down and notice I'm in a gown and so I slowly try and get up from the bed while keeping my eyes on him to make sure I was quiet and that he never woke up while I tried to escape.

My legs on the other hand had another idea as soon as I tried to walk, my legs suddenly gave out and I dropped to the ground onto my stomach and tried to catch myself with my hands.

Then I heard someone with a deep voice say something. Shit! I woke him up.

"Kailey?" I hear him say while looking at me worried and quickly gets up and tries to pick me up but I scoot back away and he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Please don't touch me." I tell him afraid.

"Okay. But, it's okay. You were in an accident and you hit your head pretty hard." He begins to explain.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your mate-friend." He almost sounded like he was saying something else.

"Okay. And why am I here?" I ask.

"Well, you were hanging out with me and my pack and uh, you just drank too much and I just had a doctor take precaution and make sure you were okay." He says.

It seemed though like he was making stuff up as he went along but I think it was really just my mind being foggy.

"A-alright " I stuttered.

"Please, can I help you up?" He asks while holding out his hand in front of me.

I nod and take his hand but grab onto him as I tried to stand and found myself gripping onto him quickly as he caught me.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"You're welcome." He says as we look into each other's eyes for a moment and I can't help but feel an instant feeling of being safe.

He next helps me over towards the bed and lays me back down then pulls up the chair next to me by the bed that he was sleeping in and looks at me with a little stubble on his face but is covered in tattoos and his somewhat greased back hair half messed up a little bit falls to his face a little while he looks at me.

I start to feel my face begin to blush. He is so hot. How could I just be friends with this guy? Well duh, he's not my mate and we're just friends like he said so, I should stop before I think impure thoughts and get into trouble with his mate.

"So is your mate okay with me staying here?" I ask. Which is so stupid of me to ask.

"She's okay." He smirks a little.

I nod and then next he asks me if I was hungry.

"Yeah. I'm starving actually." I tell him.

He nods and then stands up.

"Well I'll get some food and then maybe later if you're able to, you can take a shower or a bath and get dressed into some clothes that I have of yours here." He suggests.

"Okay. Thanks." I reply. "I know I must smell from last night." I joke.

"You smell amazing." He smiles at me.

He then leaves the room behind him and I sit there and think about how I may not remember much but what I do know is I'm glad that I have a good friend to have helped me out and a mate that understands.

Which that's just my luck. Someone as hot as him isn't mine and not that I would be his type anyways but.....Okay, I need to stop myself and stop acting like a teenager with a crush.

I wonder though if I have always had a crush on him? How long have we been friends? How did I even get here? What exactly happened last night?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
So remember that she thinks he was serious that it really has been one night when really just a few days.

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